- … say aye! I would love to see more male nudity on “Game of Thrones,” but if we’re going to get even more female nudity, can it please be in the form of Christina Hendricks’ chichis? She’s interested… [The Superficial]
- Not that I would ever have sex with a sex doll — no judgement if you would! — but I think if did, I would want it to be less … realistic looking than these seriously creepy fellas. [Nerve]
- Could sex ed be a little more comprehensive? Here’s a list of topics not covered in sex-ed that maybe should have been.. [The Gloss]
- There’s a scientific reason why you can’t remember the name of that guy you banged that one time. [Your Tango]
- Seriously though, despite all the talking and joking about “69ing,” do any of you ever do it? Worst position ever! [Cracked]
- Did you know Japan has an entire festival dedicated to the penis? [Huffington Post]
- Do your breasts have a nickname? Mine didn’t but after reading this article I decided to name mine Dolly and Loretta. [xoJane]
Original by @xoamelia