So, last week we got all warm and fuzzy and gave you five reasons to date each sign. This week, let’s embrace our cynical side and discuss the traits and qualities that make each sign a total relationship nightmare. Which sign will flip out if you leave a dirty dish in the sink? Which sign will flirt with all your friends? Read on for five brutally honest reasons you should probably run the other way…
- 5 Reasons To Break Up With An Aries (March 21st-April 19th)
- 5 Reasons To Break Up With A Taurus (April 20th-May 20th)
- 5 Reasons To Break Up With A Gemini (May 21th-June 20th)
- 5 Reasons To Break Up With A Cancer (June 21st-July 22nd)
- 5 Reasons To Break Up With A Leo (July 23rd-August 22nd)
- 5 Reasons To Break Up With A Virgo (August 23rd-September 22nd)
- 5 Reasons To Break Up With A Libra (September 23rd-October 22nd)
- 5 Reasons To Break Up With A Scorpio (October 23rd-November 21st)
- 5 Reasons To Break Up With A Sagittarius (November 22nd-December 21st)
- 5 Reasons To Break Up With A Capricorn (December 22nd-January 19th)
- 5 Reasons To Break Up With An Aquarius (January 20th-February 18th)
- 5 Reasons To Break Up With A Pisces (February 19th-March 20th)
5 Reasons To Break Up With An Aries (March 21st-April 19th)
1. Aries have the worst tempers. Talk about anger management issues!
2. Immature and naive, dating an Aries can feel like dating a perpetual teenager.
3. Aries is always excited to start things, but don’t expect any follow-through–they’re already distracted by something new.
4. Their impatience is so annoying–they want everything RIGHT NOW!
5. Self-centered and narrow-minded, Aries seems incapable of understanding your perspective.

Source: enckling
5 Reasons To Break Up With A Taurus (April 20th-May 20th)
1. Taurus is so stubborn. Don’t expect to ever win an argument with them–even if they’re wrong they won’t give an inch.
2. Good luck trying to get them to do their share of the housework. They’ll be parked on the couch while you’re folding the laundry.
3. Their needs will always take precedent over yours.
4. God, they’re boring.
5. Taureans won’t open up emotionally. Even when you know there’s a lot going on with them, they’ll just say, “What? I’m fine.”
5 Reasons To Break Up With A Gemini (May 21th-June 20th)
1. They are completely unreliable.
2. Each day you never know which personality you will be waking up next to. Yikes!
3. They love to charm you with their beautiful words but they rarely live up to their big promises.
4. Geminis get bored easily which means they’ll get bored with you. In no time you’ll feel like yesterday’s news.
5. Living with a Gemini is like living in a graveyard of half-finished projects and abandoned ideas.
5 Reasons To Break Up With A Cancer (June 21st-July 22nd)
1. Their moodiness is exhausting.
2. Cancers will often say deeply hurtful things and never take responsibility for it.
3. Eesh, talk about clingy and co-dependent!
4. Speaking of which, watch out because they might just go ahead and propose to you on the second date.
5. Life with a Cancer can be pretty mundane–you’ll have a hard time getting them to go on adventures or even try out a new restaurant.

Source: Functionalish
5 Reasons To Break Up With A Leo (July 23rd-August 22nd)
1. You will never feel quite secure in your relationship because Leos flirt with anyone and everyone, all the time.
2. They will never love you more than they love their own reflection.
3. No Leo in history has ever admitted to being wrong, so good luck with that one!
4. Their arrogance is soooo annoying.
5. Leos need to be the center of attention at all times, which will always leave you in their shadow.
5 Reasons To Break Up With A Virgo (August 23rd-September 22nd)
1. Virgos are master judgers. They will never run out of ways to be critical of you.
2. Life with a Virgo means you will always have to make the first moves on everything.
3. They are so fickle!
4. Insecurity seems to be their permanent personality trait, which is such a turn off.
5. You will never hear the end of it if you happen to leave a dirty dish in the sink.
5 Reasons To Break Up With A Libra (September 23rd-October 22nd)
1. You will never really know where they stand because a Libra will just tell you what you want to hear.
2. Making decisions with a Libra is a nightmare that can go on for hours!
3. They won’t ever truly have your back.
4. Vain and obsessed with physical beauty, they always expect you to look perfect.
5. They’re weak-willed and whiny–who wants to put up with that?

5 Reasons To Break Up With A Scorpio (October 23rd-November 21st)
1. Scorpios’ jealousy issues are legendary–basically, don’t expect to be able to have any friends.
2. You will never know how you truly feel because a Scorpio will constantly manipulate your emotions.
3. They are capable of cutting you down and tearing you up like no other. RUN AWAY!
4. Scorpios are so deceptive and secretive, you’ll only know what they want you to know.
5. Minor arguments turn into major brawls with a negative, rigid Scorpio.
5 Reasons To Break Up With A Sagittarius (November 22nd-December 21st)
1. Sagittarians are the worst listeners and will always talk over you.
2. If they are not constantly entertained they will complain, complain, complain!
3. Good luck trying to teach your Sagg anything because they already know it all.
4. They are so domineering and controlling.
5. Insensitive and blunt, they sure do know how to hurt your feelings.
5 Reasons To Break Up With A Capricorn (December 22nd-January 19th)
1. They will always prioritize their work over you.
2. Two words: Control. Freak.
3. Everything they do is ultimately to benefit themselves, and it really doesn’t matter if you get hurt in the process.
4. Capricorns loathe spontaneity which makes for a super dull relationship.
5. They are so closed off–good luck breaking through their walls.

Source: bustle
5 Reasons To Break Up With An Aquarius (January 20th-February 18th)
1. Aquarians live in their heads, which makes them aloof and detached.
2. A relationship with an Aquarius can feel like an endless series of lectures. After all, they always know best.
3. You will rarely get any quality one-on-one time with them because their ideal date includes all of their friends.
4. They are reaaaalll judgmental!
5. You will always know what they are thinking but never what they are feeling.
5 Reasons To Break Up With A Pisces (February 19th-March 20th)
1. They are so freakin’ spacey!
2. You can’t ever get a Pisces to do anything, and if they do start it takes them FOREVER to finish.
3. They lack direction and don’t really know what they want in life.
4. A Pisces will sacrifice their own needs, emotions, and feelings for the relationship but then resent you for it later.
5. They idealize relationships and will expect you to live up to their unrealistic expectations.
Original by Winona Dimeo-Ediger & Katelyn Kollinzas