When I was 14 years old, my love for the band Pearl Jam was so great, I used to make my mom drive by a house in our neighborhood every day because I had somehow concluded, via extensive research online using our crappy dial-up modem, that Eddie Vedder had lived there, like, 15 years before. I also made a paper mache trash can with Stone Gossard’s face on (he’s the band’s guitarist). In short, I get the level of fandom that MileyCyrusCarlx feels for his favorite singer, Miley Cyrus (duh). I’m sure that if I had been of legal age in 1993, I would have gotten 15 Pearl Jam tattoos. Permanently inking your love for someone on your person is a sign of loyalty, for sure, but 15 tattoos in homage? I’m in awe. I can only dream of being loved by someone with such devotion. I wonder if MCCx (that’s my nickname for him) would settle for little ol’ me? I don’t think my visage is as tattoo-worthy, and I can’t sing a note, but I’m sweet and make a mean roast chicken. (Click through to see more photos of MCCx’s Miley tats.
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