After many studies have analyzed the benefits and uses of CBD oil, the industry started quickly growing to reach a worth of more than one billion dollars just in the United States. It is believed that in a couple of years, the value of the entire industry will be well over $10 billion which is a ridiculously huge number.
However, even with the growth of the industry and so much awareness being spread about its uses and the legalization throughout the states, a lot of people still do not know what kind of benefits you can get out of CBD oils.
But, before we get into detail about what CBD can help you with, we should first explain what it is and how do we obtain it.
What is CBD oil?

Source: cbm
Cannabidiol or CBD is one of the hundred chemical compounds that can be found in the cannabis plant. Like many other compounds of the cannabis plant, CBD has many healing effects on the human body without any of the intoxicating components like in other cannabinoids such as THC.
Since it does not have any of those intoxicating or psychoactive effects on people, it won’t cause you to experience a high that is usually correlated with marijuana. If the product has been properly extracted, then there won’t be any significant amount of THC found inside of it. THC is the main cannabinoid that causes the mind to experience psychoactive effects which is where the famous “high” comes from.
Once the CBD from the cannabis plant has been extracted, it is then mixed together with a different type of oil such as coconut, hemp seed or carrier oil. The mix of these ingredients is what reduces the potency of the product you purchase.
According to Canabd, When shopping for CBD you will realize there are many products that take different forms including edibles, tincture for more potent applications, candy, drinks, patches and so on.

Source: cbd oil
A lot of people are afraid of using CBD because they believe it is as illegal as THC and marijuana. However, that is not the case. At least not in every country on this planet. Let’s take the UK’s market regulation as an example. It is legal when sold as oil and as novel food. Sure, there are some regulations that sellers and manufacturers have to follow, but you are not bound by any laws when it comes to purchasing such a product.
Benefits of using CBD

Source: liwts
Now that you understand what CBD oil exactly is and how it is obtained, here are some of the benefits of using it.
1. Pain and inflammation remedy
People who have had issues for most of their lives with regular inflammation or chronic pain have finally seen some kind of progress with the use of CBD oil. It has been revealed in many cases and studies that it is a great pain relief alternative for those that want to avoid over-the-counter or prescription drugs.
In fact, many countries including Canada have accepted this product as a way to deal with cancer or sclerosis pain.
After an in-depth analysis of the effects this chemical compound delivers, researchers believe it should be suggested by doctors as pain relief.
A lot of health issues such as cancer, diabetes, autoimmune, Alzheimer’s, heart disease and Parkinson’s can be caused by chronic inflammation. Treating such inflammation can sometimes be quite difficult, but with the use of CBD, researchers believe they can completely cure it in some cases.

Source: Pinterest
2. Depression and Anxiety
In these modern times, the major depressive disorder has become a very common medical illness that can have quite a negative effect on one’s life. If left untreated it may be the cause for much more serious diseases. A recent study has shown that almost 10% of the entire United States population is depressed.
Unlike depression, anxiety is a normal emotion that almost anyone experiences. This feeling is what helps up prepare for the unknown and the future. But, some people can experience anxiety it such high levels that it becomes a medical disorder. Being constantly under the pressure of fear, worry and nervousness can have a serious impact on the mind. It might cause a person to develop other disorders such as depression or sometimes even panic attacks.
A panic attack lasts anywhere between ten and twenty seconds, but the aftermath of symptoms can last up to hours or even for the entire day.
Both depression and anxiety are mental disorders are not easily treated and require extensive professional help to be dealt with. Fortunately, many cases have shown that the use of CBD oil has proven to be a great way to deal with anxiety.
Many people like to take a dose of CBD just before they go out to speak in public which can help reduce anxiety.

Source: Business Matters Magazine
3. Sleep and insomnia
Sleep is quite an important part of our daily lives and without it, we can become unstable. Without enough sleep, a human won’t be able to properly function throughout the day. A person who does not get enough sleep through the night (or day) will experience a lack of focus and awareness, problem accessing important parts of memory, stress and serious mood swings. All of these symptoms can have a very negative effect both on your professional and your personal relationships.
You do not want to lash out on your boss for no reason just because you have a mood swing. Getting into unnecessary conflicts will make your psychological status even worse.
This is why it is so important to get a proper amount of sleep throughout the day. However, getting a good night’s rest is not as easy as it sounds. It is easier said than done.
So, if you are having trouble getting some shut-eye, you should consider using CBD oils as they have been proven to help people with insomnia. It can regulate your sleep and the biphasic properties can also help you to keep you sharp and focused throughout the day. This can increase your productivity at work and your boss will surely notice.

Source: Open Access Government
4. Stress relief
A lot of people claim that they have felt a lot less stressful after using CBD which makes sense since it has quite a calming effect.