You might be running a business, which means that you’re probably always searching for ways to save precious resources, something that could assist you in making your company green. And, if so, you’re probably interested in utilizing LED lights, which are diodes that are capable of emitting brightness in your facilities.
As you know, this illumination solution could be used in various commercial applications – from installing them in your office to hanging them in your manufacturing plant – however, do you know what benefits you could gain from choosing this option? If the answer to this question is ‘no’, this article could help you! With the help from the experts at (commercial lighting solutions provider), we have put together a list of 8 benefits of LED lighting for commercial applications. Let’s take a look at the benefits you could gain:
Source: Ledvance
1. It’s Cost-Efficient
Since you’re a business owner, you probably know that one of the ways that you can improve your profit is to lower the expenses you have. Of course, there are other ways that you could save some funds, however, if you want your strategy to be efficient, you could choose to install LED fixtures.
Why? Well, these fixtures that are used for commercial applications could help you with saving a lot of money by reducing how much energy you use and waste, as well as how much you pay for maintaining them. This means that this technology is power-saving and cost-efficient.
Now, even though the LED bulbs are more expensive than the traditional ones, they’ll last longer, which means that you won’t need to replace them for several years from the moment you install them. Hence, in the long run, you’ll spend less money on maintaining the connections as well since you won’t need to pay someone to change or repair them often.
2. It’ll Save Energy in Several Ways
We already mentioned that these bulbs are more energy-efficient. For example, traditional bulbs that you can purchase will only utilize 10% of the power they consume to produce light, while 90% will be wasted on heat. However, with LED, 80% of the power consumed will be utilized for producing light, while only 20% will be wasted on heat.
This means that you won’t need to use air conditioning often. So, if you are a commercial company looking to have a lighting solution that’ll support the working hours and safety of the manufacturing plant, opting for LED bulbs is better since they’ll save your thousands, if not millions every year.
Source: Stouch Lighting
3. They’re Safer And More Eco-Friendly
It’s not a secret that traditional bulbs contain mercury, hence, if the bulbs break, your employees would be exposed to the dangerous element. Of course, this is not completely risky, but over a longer period of time, it might cause some serious problems. In order to make your workplace safer, using LED bulbs is safe for both the environment and people since they don’t contain any mercury, nor other substances that could potentially be dangerous.
4. They Last Longer
Did you know that, in a commercial application, an LED installation could operate from 50 to 100 thousand hours, while traditional options last 1.000 to 3.500 hours? This means that with LED, your facilities could be powered for 8 hours each day for approximately 10 years!
Now, keep in mind, high-quality products are important if you want to ensure that it lasts this long for you. This is one of the reasons why you might want to do some research before choosing specific bulbs, and if so, you could click here in order to see more information about this lighting solution.
Source: Pinterest
5. The Design Options Are Endless
These items won’t only help you illuminate an area, but, they’ll also make the entire area more appealing and warm. Because of this, there are endless options when it comes to the design of the items. No matter what size, design, or color the fixtures have, they won’t lose their ability to be cost-saving, energy-efficient, and low-maintenance, and they won’t produce as much heat as some other options would.
6. They Could Be Installed Everywhere
It is worth mentioning that you can use this illumination option everywhere in your commercial company. This means that you could choose to install them anywhere including your parking lot, offices, manufacturing line, bathrooms, and so on. Hence, you could actually choose to install them both outside and inside of your commercial building space, and if you choose to do so, you’ll be able to save even more funds.
Source: LEDDY MAYTUM STACY Architects
7. They Could Be Controlled
Besides being Eco-friendly and cost-efficient, these items could also be easily controlled. What does this mean? Well, most of the models on the market have certain features that are quite appealing including things such as sensors for occupancy, times, dimming options, as well as daytime savings.
For example, let’s look at the dimming feature. Depending on the time of day, you could use it for adjusting the brightness level, or the daytime saving feature will allow the fixture to automatically adjust to the brightness needs at the moment, meaning that, if there is sunshine, it’ll dim the brightness to save power. All of these things will help you with saving more energy, hence, it’ll make your commercial business even more environmentally friendly.
8. They Could Be Turned Off And On Quickly
When compared to traditional options, LED bulbs won’t need as much time to warm up. What does this mean for you? Well, it means that it will take the bulbs a few moments to be turned on and off. Additionally, turning them off and on frequently won’t influence their longevity, as it would with traditional, fluorescent bulbs.
Source: Everett Herald
Choosing to install LED fixtures in your commercial facilities might be one of the best decisions you make. This lighting solution won’t only help you make your company Eco-friendly, but it’ll help you create a healthy and safe environment for your workers, and more importantly, it’ll last you for a very long time!
So, now that you’re aware of all the wonderful benefits you could gain from installing these fixtures for your business, you might not want to lose any more time. Instead, you should do some research online, determine which options might be suitable for you, and then find a supplier that will provide you with the fixture you need.