When people want to learn something about a certain product or services, they would go online and check what the other said about it. Once they know that the other people are satisfied or not, they can decide on whether or not to buy it. Online reviews are extremely useful for numerous reasons.
The number of online review sites such as Top10BestPro and Bestviva listing out some of the best products in a product category has shot up over the last several years, with the rise of internet penetration and increasing smartphone use. When it comes to products today, consumers are spoilt for choice as manufacturers have n number of products lined up to woo the customers offering diverse features at different price points.

Img source: reputationmanagement.com
Competition is simply too high to take anything lightly and prospective buyers very often compare rival products through the online reviews and try to gain more information before they zero in on a particular product. This makes their task easier and they are likely to get products which suit their preferences, tastes, and needs. So, manufacturers are waking up to the importance of review websites. Needless to say then, having a product listed on a review site is a beneficial prospect for the manufacturers, marketers and the end consumers.
We have listed below a few of the benefits businesses will get through a review site.
Gain New Customers
Customers always want to get as much information as possible about the product before they finally invest in one. So, they increasingly search for reviews about it on the internet to assess the quality of the product, general public opinion and the reputation of the company. Similarly, other buyers’ comments and reviews also help in influencing their perception of the product. Having positive reviews online thus helps the business gain new customers and improve revenues. Online reviews are the contemporary avatar of the good old “word of mouth” marketing.

Img source: collectivelydigital.com
More transparency and Credibility
Having the products listed on a review website makes the product subject to customer feedback and opinion. Customers provide their review and discuss the product on the online public forum. This sort of activity lends more transparency to the business and its products and generates trust among the prospective buyers. They will have more certainty and are likely to have confidence in the product. This significantly improves the credibility of the business and will improve revenues in the long run.
Reviews balance testimonials on the website
It is common to see customer testimonials on the manufacturer’s website about the products being offered by it. But customers have a general perception such testimonials are biased and do not reflect the actual public opinion or market trends. So, a testimonial instead of generating a positive perception will create a negative perception of the product. On the other hand, if the product is listed on independent websites then the customers are more likely to believe in the claims made by the manufacturer as now there are more sources, he or she can compare the product with, and also more people he or she can discuss the product with.

Img source: bluehost.com
Extend the reach
The Internet has a wide reach and lots of information about the product on a review site can be accessed by anyone sitting on any corner of the globe with an internet connection. So, listing the products on the website will help you tap into new markets and customers from an entirely new geographic location. Tourists for instance, before traveling to another country are more likely to search about the local products and businesses before they embark on their journey, so they arrive, fully prepared. With online market platforms like Amazon and e-bay and enough positive reviews, you can truly become a global company having loyal customers from every part of the world.
Stay ahead of the Competition

Img source: carterknowle.sheffield.sch.uk
With online reviews and the above-mentioned benefits that come with it, you can stay ahead of your rivals and beat the competition to emerge on top. Your business is likely to survive and thrive if it has a significant presence on the online review sites.