Today, people are buying bigger beds. In recent times there has been a steady increase in the demand for king size beds. More and more people are looking for that perfect night’s sleep and it seems that the bigger the bed is better, with the 3ft 6 large single bed being the most popular bed size on the market today. Take a look at some great offers online here.
The most common complaint regarding bed size is not getting a good night’s sleep due to partners interrupting each other’s sleep during the night. They are either hogging the bed, hogging the bedclothes, getting up a lot during the night or continuously fidgeting. So, this is why people are buying larger beds for more room.
With a larger bed, you will both have enough room to move and stretch out as much as you want, whereas, in a standard bed, you’ll be cramped up. fighting for space, or especially if you are like me and tend to sleep crossways.

A night-time face-off for bed space isn’t exactly going to give you or your partner a good night’s sleep.
To make sure you have a large enough bed for two, make sure that you both can lay down side by side with your arms behind your head and elbows out without touching.
Today’s modern homes can be a hindrance when it comes to having a king-size bed. Many bedrooms in new build homes, as an example, do not provide the space needed for a king-size bed.
Below we have listed a few reasons as to why bigger is indeed better:
The standard British double bed gives you no room for manoeuvre as it is only 4ft 6 inches wide. This will only give you and your sleeping partner 2ft and 3 inches of space, which is a very tight squeeze indeed. So why go standard when you can go, king!

Studies have recently shown that couples will have a better night’ sleep in a larger bed. Many who have taken on the challenge agreed that they had a much better night’s sleep when sleeping in a king-size bed. This means that a king-size bed is indeed made for the comfort of two.
Did you know that we spend on average a third of our lives in bed? And by the time many of us reach our fifties, this will equate to over 16 years in bed! So, if that is indeed the case, then this gives an even stronger argument to go out and buy a king-size bed!
Many will say that it will cost more to buy a king-size bed but is it not better to spend that little bit extra on going up a size and having a better night’s sleep than not?
Have you ever noticed that when you stay overnight in a hotel or stay overnight abroad, the continental beds seem to be bigger than the bed you have at home? Europe tends to have larger average-sized beds than we do here in the UK. In countries like Belgium, Greece and Switzerland, the standard sized bed is roomier than your average UK double.

If you can afford to splash out on a car, new electronics or even a holiday, you can invest in a king-size bed.
Recent consumer research has indicated that more and more people are investing in king-size beds.
On average, a person moves about 13 times an hour during their sleep. But there are exceptions to the rule. Some people barely budge, and others may more than 100 times per hour.
Size. We are not as slim as we once were years ago so, many people are getting themselves king-size beds rather than double beds.
If you suffer from ailments like back ache or aches and pains, having a larger bed has been known to give you a more comfortable night’s sleep. Having enough space in your bed can help with better blood flow and you are less likely to cramp up, suffer from pins and needles or have a sleepless foot which can be irritating!
If like me you have children, especially younger children, they sometimes will sneak into your bed during the night, if they are feeling unwell or have had a bad nightmare as an example. If they do, it can get cramped in a normal-sized double bed. So, what better excuse than that to go out and buy yourself a king-size bed?

Following the current trend that bigger is better, more and more people not just here in the UK, but worldwide are now tending to buy king-size beds. It may not be high up on your priority list or on your list at all, but it is now the trend.
In reality, it doesn’t really cost that much more to invest in a king-size bed. Basically, if you look at it it’s only as little as 3.9 pence a day if you’re up-sizing by spending as an example an extra £100. A larger bed will help improve your sleep, your wellbeing, and your health in general. Look out for promotions, special offers and of course sales!
So let’s recap on why a king-size bed is better
The Health Benefits

• Extra space If you’re taller or a larger person
• There is more space to roll over or if you sleep with a partner who moves a lot in their sleep their more space
• You have room to spread out or even lie on your back
• You can have a split mattress that may improve your sleep
The Family Benefits

• It can become a social space for the whole family to lounge about or just to have a snuggle
• Is a much comfortable proposition if you’re pregnant
• Extra room for the dog or cat that wants to sleep with you!
The Design Benefits

• It can become the centrepiece of your bedroom
• More hidden away storage space
Even the experts say buying a bigger bed is better. So if ever you are ever in doubt, the bigger the bed the better!