When you are working on marketing and advertising your company’s products or services you need flyers, brochures, calendars, business cards, and so on. You cannot print all this material on your own, which means that you need a partner. Hiring the best printing company is of crucial importance. There are so many different things you have to consider before employing one, and in the following text, we are going to give you some tips that should facilitate the entire process of finding this kind of ally.
Firstly, you have to locate a business that can deliver exactly what you need. This ranges from brochures to even packages. Maybe you want to customize the bags and boxes you give out to your customers and use them to advertise your brand. Not all companies offer the same services, so you can cross out those that cannot provide you with the ones you need.
Source: allprocolor
Furthermore, request to see the samples. All printing companies will send you samples of their previous work, and you should inspect them and decide if they are the right for you. You can check them out online, but in reality, all you can see is the design. In order to ensure that they are of high quality, you should go to their local store and have a look at the hard copies. Also, you can ask them what kind of machines they are using. This way, you will be able to conclude how serious and professional they are. If the company uses the digital printing press and other advanced technology like IMColorPrint does, then you can be sure that they will deliver products of the utmost quality.
Likewise, inquire about the design and colors. If you have a specific idea in mind how the material should look like, you can tell it to the chosen company and they will probably follow your instructions. On the other hand, if you are open to suggestions, each of these businesses has numerous templates you can choose or draw inspiration from.
Source: Shutterstock
Moreover, explore their customer service. We are not talking only about the possibility of designing the material on your own, but also about the basic communication with their clients. They should notify you in case of any problem that could affect your delivery. In addition, they should be available to all their customers at any time, and be prepared to answer all questions and provide any kind of help if needed.
The next thing you have to do before employing a printing company is to check their reputation and find out if they are reliable. Look for a company that has been in business for quite some time. This means that they are doing their job well. What’s more, make sure to read reviews and comments from previous customers. If you want to employ a new printing business, it is a good idea to personally contact one of the customers, and inquire about them, if you cannot find any reviews online.
Source: Print Pura
Lastly, make sure that they are reliable and efficient i.e. that they will honor the agreement and that your material will be delivered in a timely manner. This is especially important if you are on a deadline and have to get things done in time.
To conclude this text, don’t forget to inquire about the price. The cost differs between different companies. Even though your main concern should be the quality of the material, you cannot neglect the expenses that come with it.