It seems like a no-brainer. Only drink clean water. Duh!
However, there are a lot of other reasons you need to consider what’s in your glass besides its purity.
How about staying healthy and avoiding the risk of water-related diseases?
What about staying hydrated so that your body can function properly?
And did we mention staying alert and less fatigued?
It’s easy to take clean water for granted. Unless you have a messed-up filter or water heater, it probably comes out clean and doesn’t smell bad. It might even taste okay too.
Let’s Define Clean
We can look at clean water and women’s beauty from a couple of perspectives. At the base level, we would consider the health of what we drink. The fact remains that it could be a lot worse. We might deal with things like:
- E. coli
- Giardia
- Salmonella
- Mold
Negative Impacts of Not-So-Clean Water
Unclean water can carry a host of nasties that can affect the appearance of your skin. The insidious thing about them is that you won’t know you’ve contracted something until it becomes noticeable.
Some are an annoyance that often takes care of itself. Your body recognizes trouble, and it acts, starting the inflammatory response.
You’ve probably experienced signs that your immune system has kicked into high gear. They include:
- Redness
- Swelling
- Itchiness
- Hot areas
What your body is doing is trying to help itself respond while making the environment inhospitable to pathogens. It’s an effective strategy, but it also feels uncomfortable.
Swimmer’s itch is a common condition that can drive you nuts. The inflammation makes the affected area itchy. And, of course, scratching it only makes it worse. It also puts you at risk of secondary infections, which can cause more cosmetic issues.
Sometimes, it isn’t a parasite or disease that is causing your skin to redden or swell. Other things, such as allergens or a pre-existing allergy, can cause problems. If you suffer from any of these conditions, you’re more likely to experience dermatitis or eczema.
Benefits of Hydration
You may have heard that you should drink eight glasses of water a day. Well, it’s not that simple. The best gauge of whether to down some H2O is thirst. If you feel thirsty, your body is sending you a signal to take action.
There’s too much at stake if you don’t drink enough water.
If you ignore the obvious, things will only get worse. You’ll find that you’re less focused. That can lead to mistakes, which can have serious consequences. You’ll also feel fatigued and look the part.
Not something you want to enhance your looks.
When you drink clean water, you give your skin what it needs to stay hydrated. You provide your brain with the raw materials it needs to communicate with other cells in your body to make repairs as necessary and deliver nutrients to keep it looking its best.
You’ll also feel more comfortable, which can do wonders for your appearance.
Hard versus Soft Water
This one doesn’t fall precisely under the umbrella of clean. However, it’s worth mentioning because of its profound effect on the beauty of a woman.
Hard water wreaks havoc on your hair and skin.
Constant exposure to these minerals can do the same thing that it’s doing to your glassware. The deposits can make your hair brittle and increase your chances of split ends and frizz.
Not cool.
It also affects your skin, leaving you with that not-so-fresh feeling. If you don’t have a water softener, you might consider investing. At the very least, think about adding a filter to your showerhead.
Not only will it get rid of the minerals, but a filter such as available at will also help you get the optimal pressure to conserve water.
It’s essential to make sure that you keep up with the maintenance of these devices. Change the filter or add salt to the softener on a timely basis. Set a reminder on your smartphone to make sure neither runs dry.
An indirect benefit concerns your plumbing.
A filter or water softener will keep your faucets or showerheads running at the optimal capacity. It can also keep your pipes clean from mineral build-up and sludge.
Preventing Water-Related Issues
Use your eyes and nose to avoid problems that can affect your appearance and beauty. Clearwater isn’t a guarantee that it’s healthy, but it is an excellent start.
Don’t enter any body of water, whether it’s a lake or the neighborhood pool if you have any open wounds. Your skin provides a barrier against microbes and harmful contaminants in your environment.
It’s your single best protection against unclean water.
At home, let your water run for a few seconds before you wash your face or hands. If contaminants live on the tap end, doing so can rinse them out and help prevent skin contact.
Also, dry your hands and face ultimately after washing. Moist skin is an ideal environment for bacteria and other pathogens to develop.
Final Thoughts About Clean Water and the Beauty of Women
A daily routine of washing your face and skin goes a long way toward protecting them against the microbes that can affect your skin. The essential thing to remember is to be gentle. It is your natural barrier against disease.
Help your skin do its job with clean water and a regular regime of regular cleansing.