Humans are programmed to seek some semblance of certainty and control in any situation, even if it is impossible in most cases. Whenever we face any change we get rattled by anxiety and stress. While it is believed that a healthy dose of stress is good for our progression, perpetual stress can be harmful to us. If you are someone feeling continuous stress in your life, at a loss about how to manage it, there are some effective ways you can follow to manage your stress.
What Is Stress?
Stress is a feeling of tension. Whenever we are faced with any change, either positive or negative that requires us to adjust ourselves, we feel stressed. It can stem from immense workload, transitional period in life, a crisis in personal relationships, or financial problems. It can also stem from internal emotional turmoil.
What Causes Stress?
When you are continuously thinking about a problem or being obsessed with something without giving your mind any break, it causes physiological responses triggered by stress hormones. Any external or environmental factor, internal thoughts can induce stress. Conflict in the relationship, career, financial issues, or workplace tension can be a good example of external factors of stress.
What Are The Signs Of Stress?
If you are chronically stressed it shows some signs in your body and your demeanor. If you feel anxiety, lack of concentration, irritable, unusual diet (excessive eating or lack of hunger) you might be experiencing some sort of stress. Feeling of nausea, dizziness, racing heart, sweating can also be some physical signs of stress.
How To Manage Stress?
To find a healthy way of coping with stress you can follow some practices. Emotional exercise, maintaining a healthy routine, or even taking some supplements like cbd gummies from CBDGuru can help you deal with your stress level. Here are some effective ways that can help to cope with your stress.
Adopt Mindfulness
Although being mindful might sound like some zen advice that only a monk can follow, it is not a hard concept to grasp. You don’t have to do any powerful trick or telekinesis by controlling your mind. Mindfulness is being aware of your thoughts and their physical response to your body. Being aware of your mind and accepting your state of mind you can better manage stress and anxiety.
Accept the Situation as It Is
Whenever we try to control or fight a change we become stressed. Accepting a situation as it is might solve most of our mental torment. But that doesn’t mean being completely stoic, give up trying or stop fighting. Rather we have to learn to choose our battle and understand what is beyond our control. Acceptance will provide you relief and wisdom.
Seek Out Healthy Distraction
Sometimes Healthy distractions can make you better cope with anxiety. It gives you a much-needed break from the looping thought that keeps crowding in your mind. You can read your favorite book, watch a movie, or engage in some physical activities to find a distraction. You should try whatever you enjoy as long as it gives you some relief from the emotional pain you are feeling. However, don’t depend on alcohol or drugs for relief; they will only make you more miserable.
Allow Yourself Some Time to Obsess
A common sign of stress is thinking obsessively about the problem. If you cannot enjoy any distractions, your worry unconsciously creeps into your mind, allowing yourself time to get used to it for a while. Consider thinking about it; try writing down your thinking. If you are satisfied with your musing, your mind will become relatively calm.
Practice Meditation
Regular meditation can prevent excessive stress; help you bring balance to your life. It can help with emotional stress as it teaches you to redirect your thoughts and to hold on to it. Meditation can help you concentrate better. You can try yoga, breathing exercise, or simple meditation to help you relax and stay stress-free.
Take Up Regular Exercise
When you are stressed, taking a walk can make you feel better. Believe in the power of exercise when it comes to relieving stress. Nothing can make you feel better than getting your body worked up and getting some endorphin rush. You don’t need any fancy gym accessories for exercise, even simple walking, running or dancing can elevate your mood significantly.
Follow a Healthy Diet
We tend to get used to an unhealthy diet when we are stressed, either we eat constantly or we lose appetite. As a result, our body revolts as well as our mind too, when the mind or body doesn’t get adequate nourishment, we get more miserable. Always try to follow a healthy diet, or at least avoid skipping meals, even if you don’t feel like it. Avoiding smoking, alcohol or drugs can also help you to better deal with stress.
Talk To Your Therapist
While sharing your problems or stress with a friend or loved one has its perks, nothing can trump the support you can get from a professional. Talking to a therapist is essential if you are finding it hard to manage your day to day life due to stress. A therapist can help you better analyze your feelings and help you assess them from a new perspective.
On a final note, as we are human, living in a society, stress is undeniable. While you cannot control a situation or its outcome, what you can do is to accept it and build mental resilience for it. Avoiding a problem by continuously distracting yourself is also not a solution; it will come crashing down eventually. Try to remember that stress is normal and you have to find a healthy way to channel it. While stress is uncomfortable and challenging, following these suggestions might help you deal with it better.