When it comes to making an investment, there isn’t anything better than upgrading your main living area. Home decoration is mostly considered to be a luxury, but we don’t really think of it that way. We tend to spend most of our time in our home, and if we don’t enjoy being there, what’s the point?
These modern lifestyles are constantly forcing us to live our lives separated from nature, and that’s one of the worst things that can happen to a human being. We need nature in order to feel better, we’re connected with nature in a way that cannot be explained, and this is just one of the many reasons why people are constantly trying to find ways of implementing nature in their homes.
Whether we’re talking about flowers or trees, the more you have – the better. In this article, we are going to focus on some of the biggest benefits that you can get by adding trees in your backyard, so if you are eager to learn more, keep reading until the end. Let’s take a look.
Why trees?

Source: zoella
When you’re decorating, there are numerous things that you can purchase in order to make your living space a lot more aesthetic. Anything from pictures, lights or expensive furniture can really make your home feel cozy and comfortable, but is that really the right way of doing things?
When you can choose between an artificial decoration and a natural one, why would you go for the artificial one? Some people would say “why not both?”, and that’s true as well, but don’t neglect the importance of nature.
Trees provide oxygen, they look good, they smell good and even better, they make your entire place a lot more alive than what it was before. It is scientifically proven that natural noises are able to relax our minds unlike anything else, so if you lay down on a swing in your backyard and you hear the beautiful sounds of the leaves moving in the wind, you’ll feel a lot better in no time. Furthermore, if your tree attracts different kinds of wildlife, such as birds, you’ll have a piece of paradise at your own home.
Are they hard to maintain?

Source: bhg
Most people think that owning a tree is a lot of work, but that’s certainly not true. If your tree is in the backyard, you don’t even have to do anything in order to make it grow. Occasional rains, sunlight and nutritious soil are all it’ll ever need. Sure, if you have your own tree, you’ll treat it like the only one in the world, so watering and all of that will be pretty regular, but that’s not a “chore” at all, it just feels great to promote the growth of nature.
Since we live in modern societies where looks matter and each one of us strives for aesthetics, occasional grooming might be required, but you can either do this yourself or ask a professional tree groomer to do it for you.
And last but not least, in case you notice that your tree starts to whither in a certain area, or you see that its color is changing, you can contact an arborist or try to find any pesticides yourself. If you do manage to get hold of them, use an anti-pesticide mixture to remove them.
They look absolutely beautiful

Source: northernvirginiamag
Trees are just so pleasant to look at, especially if you choose a rare and exotic kind that is not very common in the place where you live. People will just admire at your creativity, and you’ll often hear a lot of compliments about the wonderful decoration idea. You don’t need to spend hundreds of dollars on something that is supposed to make your place look better but is completely artificial. Invest in nature, improve your quality of life, and have some amazing decoration at the same time with a single tree-plant.
When Christmas comes, instead of purchasing an artificial tree, you can put lights and all sorts of decorations on the real ones that you have in your backyard. Is there anything better than this? Your kids will be quite excited about this idea, especially if they find a couple of presents under them as well. It’s a lot easier to explain how Santa came in your backyard than having to answer all of the numerous questions about how he managed to fit in the chimney. Just another plus.
Ensuring Privacy

Source: bhg
If you have a larger backyard, but you don’t really have a tall fence, chances are that you are “exposed” from every angle, and this is not what most people want. When you’re spending some quality time in your backyard, especially with your family, you want some privacy, and building a tall fence can sometimes be very expensive or bad-looking. Nobody wants their home to feel like a medieval castle, so huge tall fences are pretty unnecessary.
Trees are able to give you a lot more privacy, in a more natural and cost-efficient way. You get to have your own oxygen producers in your backyard, and at the same time, they can serve as vision obstructions so that you are more “covered” while relaxing in your home. Feel free to read more here if you are interested in exotic and great-looking trees such as the Thuja Green Giant.
What are the other benefits?

Source: nytimes
Although what we mentioned so far is already more than enough reason to consider planting a tree, there are still some benefits left if you’re not feeling convinced yet.
By making your backyard a green and eco-friendly area, you’re showing everyone in your neighborhood that you care about the environment and the air quality. Planting a tree is always one of the best examples that you can set both for the other families who live nearby and your children. Especially with all the latest news about global warming and those plant-a-tree campaigns that are just getting more and more recognition every single day, raising awareness yourself is very important.