Cosmetic surgery, or plastic surgery, is a specialty within medicine that aims to alter a person’s appearance through surgery. In today’s time, more and more people undergo plastic surgery to change their appearance into something they like more. While a person doesn’t necessarily need plastic surgery, some undergo because of accidents that have left their faces scared for life.
In this article, we are going to talk about everything you need to know about plastic surgery before undergoing one, so stick around.

1. Plastic Surgery Is Divided Into Two Main Areas
Many people don’t know that there are two main areas which plastic surgery is divided into. The areas are reconstructive plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery.
The first one, reconstructive, focuses on reconstructing a person’s appearance that has been damaged through an accident, diseases, or injury.
The second one, cosmetic surgery, focuses on altering or improving, a person’s appearance in accordance with the person’s wishes and desires. Cosmetic surgery is far more popular than reconstructive, but it is a type of surgery that is not necessary. Most cosmetic surgeries are almost exclusively done are private clinics and are financed by the patient, while reconstructive is the opposite.

2. Plastic Surgery is Very Popular
If you’ve thought of undergoing any type of plastic surgery, fear not as it is a very popular thing nowadays, according to SurgeonGate. More and more people are noticing imperfections in their appearance and they undergo cosmetic surgery to fix those imperfections. During the last 10 years, the need for plastic surgery has increased by almost 400%. The most popular procedures of cosmetic surgery include breast augmentation, eyelids, facelift, rhinoplasty, and more.
Out of the two genders, women are the dominant ones who undergo plastic surgery with 90% of the total recorded plastic surgeries in the US. In recent years, plastic surgery is starting to be popular with men as well.

3. Plastic Surgery is Safer Than You Think
A lot of people would be skeptical to go under the knife just to change their appearance. Like we said, cosmetic surgery is not a factor for your well-being, and people can have their doubts about it. But, plastic surgery has been found to be extremely safe for the patients. As most privately owned clinics have top class surgeons that can guarantee your safety, plastic surgery within the United States is far safer than most medical procedures, as stated by
As a matter of fact, smoking (although not a medical procedure) is far more dangerous for you than plastic surgery could ever be.

4. You Could Kill Two Birds With One Stone
Any patient should do his research before undergoing plastic surgery. Out of all the procedures, rhinoplasty is the one that is most common and involves altering the appearance of the nose. According to expert surgeons, many cases of patients undergoing rhinoplasty have been found to have breathing issues because of their nose. And you could use plastic surgery to your advantage by finding a surgeon that can address both issues. Namely, surgeons can solve your breathing issues and they can also alter your nose appearance at the same time, effectively killing two birds with one stone.