You want to exercise on a regular basis, but don’t have enough time to hit the gym or go outside and take a stroll? Luckily, there is a solution to everything. With the invention of treadmills, many people began buying one for their household and enjoying a 45-minute workout every day.
And it is true, treadmills are an awesome way of burning some calories while still not wasting time on workout preparation or anything else. Whether you are a slow-paced walker, jogger or a runner you can set up a treadmill just the right way for you. When it comes to these workout devices, it is certain that there are many out there on the market some differing from the other ones. Let’s take a look at what types of treadmills exist, and what are the best models out there!
The Types Of Treadmills
- First and foremost there is the manual treadmill, and probably the most known one. These differ a lot from the other three as it requires no electricity whatsoever and begins to work once you start walking or jogging. Thus it is much safer and more comfortable with the handles and side rails being cushioned.
Also, the price of these is pretty cheap ranging from $100 to $300 at most. This type of treadmill usually lacks a LED screen that shows your heartbeat, distance, etc., but is still there to give you a good run. Manual treadmills come with at least some type of an inclined mode allowing you a tougher workout. And this treadmill can come in various sizes – from 38 inches to 50 inches in length, and from 18 to 24 inches in width. The purpose of this machine is to make you do the work, instead of the electronics pushing you, thus it might be more demanding and better for those who love going through their limits.
- Of course, the opposite to the manual one is an electronic treadmill. You cannot easily move this one as it is much bulkier than the manual, and requires electricity. Still, it has a much wider offer of options – from multiple incline modes ranging from 6 to 12% to different speeds, LED screens showing you heartbeat and pace, different foot platforms, workout programs, and even MP3 plugins. Surely, these are made for your complete enjoyment, making your workout as pleasant as possible. Coming in various sizes up to 70 in length and 40 inches in width, these suit everyone’s needs. Still, they are significantly more expensive than the manual ones so have that in mind.

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- For all those people that get easily bored working out this is a right pick for them. A machine that can include both a treadmill and a stair climber, weightlifting option or elliptical is a way to go. It offers many different features, and it is pretty comfortable to use. It always includes ergonomics seat, LED screens, many workout programs, and it is pretty easy to use with the given manual. Though it costs quite a bit, surely worth a try! You can look at websites such as Loopbanden Vergeleken which offer a diversity of quality hybrid treadmills.
- At the end of the day, there are the medical treadmills. Designed to measure the particular stress and performance of a patient these are done to perfection. Coming in different sizes, with various programs and absolute safety, these completely serve the purpose!
The Best Treadmill Out There

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Now as we said there are hundreds of different treadmill models, with various modes, programs, accessories, etc., but there is one for which we think that is above all else. Take a look:
- If you don’t mind paying a bit more be sure that NordicTrack Commercial 1750 is the best one there is. It can be used in a gym or a home setting and has everything you would ever ask for out of a treadmill. From a quiet 3.6 CHP motor, with which you can reach the speed of up to 12 mph, to an amazing touchscreen control panel that can give you the feeling of being outside by changing screens of streets or parks using google maps or an HD video.

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It has few fans to cool you down, and it is easily foldable. On top of all that the incline can go up to 15% with the decline maxing at 3%. That is a pretty good performance. And last but not least it can hold up to 300 pounds, and you have a guarantee of 5 years!
 As you can see, if you do good research and figure out your needs, finding a good home treadmill even on a low-budget isn’t hard. There are many online shops that even offer easy deliver and montage, so be sure to check companies like Loopbanden Vergeleken out. All the best and enjoy the ride!