In most situations, weight loss involves some kind of exercise in order to lose weight as efficiently as possible and to lose as much kcal. However, there are healthy and effective ways you can achieve what you want without exercising. This is great for those who don’t like exercise or don’t have time to do it. But all it takes is a little patience, adjustment and time are all you need.
Although it sounds difficult, it is certainly feasible. If you are lazy or overweight for physical activity, nutrition is the key to success. Also, some extra things which we will mention in the text.
- Set your daily pace!
- Introduce a new lifestyle
- Avoid any sweeteners
- Drink plenty of water, not any liquids
- Do not skip meals
- Choose the fruits and vegetables you eat
- Weight loss aids
- Each time, drink 2 glasses of room temperature water before each meal
- Chew well and long
- Counting calories
- Eat more protein
- Eat fiber-rich foods
- Eat without phones, TVs and computers
- Read the composition of the food
- Pills, capsules or teas for weight loss?
Set your daily pace!

Source: Shutterstock
An unhealthy lifestyle is the killer of every plan and every diet. Let each activity take its place, to eliminate your stress from unforeseen situations. Plan your menu a few days in advance so that the only alternative to an empty stomach is a burger or other junk food. Make sure you always have fresh fruits and vegetables at home, especially now that spring is near and the choice is great.
Introduce a new lifestyle

Source: Peter Bernik/Shutterstock
Think of dieting as a good opportunity to change your lifestyle from the ground up, not a necessary evil to accompany you for a month or two until you lose enough weight to be able to return to eating pizza in front of the TV. Keep a diary of your diet and mood swings to see how your mood affects the need for a certain type of food. Instead of reaching for the sweet because you are stressed, reduce your stress levels in other ways – by walking in the fresh air or going to rest more regularly at the same time and sleeping more than 5-6 hours per night.
Avoid any sweeteners

Source: FIXR
Do not use white sugar anymore. Sugar is bad for you, in almost every form. At first, you may be bothered by drinking unsweetened tea or fruit-free salad, but over time you will get used to enjoying the real flavors of fruit, tea, and other foods.
Drink plenty of water, not any liquids

Source: medicalnewstoday
When you are thirsty, avoid what we have been advised to do so many times – carbonated drinks and juices laden with sugars. When you are thirsty, reach for a cup of unsweetened tea (green or white) or a glass of plain or mineral water, which is calorie-free.
Do not skip meals

Source: AdobeStock
Avoiding eating harms your diet for two reasons; The first is the great hunger you will feel, and the second reason is the slowing down of metabolism and the way you burn calories. When there is no food to digest, metabolism slows down, then feed it all at once, and it continues to work slowly, causing the body to collapse. Whole carbohydrates, along with protein and “healthy” fats will maintain your sugar levels and you will not feel increased hunger.
Choose the fruits and vegetables you eat

Source: Oaklandroots40Th
Bananas contain more calories than most fruits, 99 kcal per 100 grams, so you cannot consume more than one. Among the fruits are apples, cranberries, grapefruit, mangoes, oranges, pineapples, strawberries and tangerines, and asparagus, beetroot, turnips, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery root, chicory, red hot peppers, cucumber, dandelion leaves, endives, lettuce, garlic, legumes and onions that help in calorie consumption.
Citrus fruits contain ascorbic acid, which helps in the breakdown and excretion of fat from the body. Soybeans contain lecithin containing choline and inositol; its main constituents by the function are catalysts and fat breakers. Consuming it at least three times a week will reduce your fat deposits naturally by acting on the inside. Apples and berries contain pectin, which helps prevent the storage of fat in cells and its excretion. The right measure is one apple a day. Garlic, along with many other medicinal properties, plays a significant role in the breakdown of fat.
Weight loss aids

Source: BonnotSmillmo
There are various weight loss aids on the market. These are, for example, devices that contract your muscles, simulating exercise. Then various types of belts that aim to accelerate the loss of fat on the abdomen, where it accumulates most. Gynecomastia is a big problem for many men, and as of recently, aids are available on the market that will solve this annoying problem. Other than belts, you can get vests and some of the other products and if you want to check it out, click here.
Each time, drink 2 glasses of room temperature water before each meal

Source: Shutterstock
This amount of fluid 15 minutes before meals will speed up your metabolism, the food will be digested properly without converting to fatty deposits.
Try to include hot water with lemon and honey as the first thing to drink in the morning as the best daily detox you can give to your body.
Chew well and long

Source: WP Magazyn
It’s no secret that food should be chewed well.
For better digestion, each bite should be chewed at least 30 times.
Counting calories

Source: Nutrikéo
Calorie counting can be very effective, and it’s a good thing for those who are patient. Keep in mind that setting your calorie intake each day will help you achieve your weight loss faster. Not only that, it will also help you avoid eating unhealthy foods and foods that bother you.
Eat more protein

Source: Pinterest
Proteins have a very strong effect on your appetite, increase the feeling of satiety, reduce hunger. It has been scientifically proven that people who have a strong protein breakfast eat significantly less during the day and consume 400 to 500 calories less than those with a full carbohydrate breakfast. Foods rich in protein: chicken, fish, Greek yogurt, lentils, almons, etc.
Eat fiber-rich foods

Source: Pixabay
Fiber-rich foods can keep you full for much longer than dietary fiber-free foods. Also, the so-called viscous fibers are very useful for weight loss, because they increase the feeling of satiety and therefore reduce your food intake. Viscous fibers can be found in foods of plant origin, including beans, oats, cereals, currants, oranges, flax seeds.
Eat without phones, TVs and computers

Source: rawit
Focusing attention on what you eat can help you intake fewer calories. People who eat while talking on the phone, watching TV or working at the computer can lose their sense of how much they have eaten, and overeating can easily happen.
Read the composition of the food

Source: Forbes
Did you think that that candy, snack or juice you just consumed contained only 200 calories? If you take a closer look at the product declaration, you will probably discover some more shocking information about hidden sugars and additives that will certainly not be beneficial to your body.
Pills, capsules or teas for weight loss?

Source: Hosbeg
If you find yourself losing weight too slowly, some of the dietary supplements may help. Tablets, capsules or teas for weight loss enhance the effects of exercise or diet. But if you drink them without reducing your meals, they have almost no effect.
It’s important to know that not every dietary supplement is equally effective or safe for everyone.
Your obesity can be due to overeating or abnormal appetite or slow metabolism. It can also be a consequence of some diseases. Talk to your pharmacist and doctor. It will help you choose a preparation that is right for you, it will explain the composition and action of the preparation, how to drink it properly, as well as possible side effects.
If you are taking any medications (for heart, pressure, diabetes, asthma, some antibiotics, etc.) be sure to emphasize this to your pharmacist, as many weight loss products should not be taken at the same time as medicines.
Weight loss products should not be used by pregnant women, nursing mothers or children.
As you can see, there are simple things that can help you lose weight without involving strenuous exercise. You don’t have to start applying all the rules at once. To get started, it is enough to take one or two and create a habit and apply them daily.
If you continue to follow these rules for an extended period of time, the pounds will melt without harming your health and you will feel reborn.