We live in the era in which modern technologies dominate all aspects of humans’ lives and have heavily affected the entire humanity’s behavior and socializing. Some of these are smartphones that all of us, even children, use every day and without which our existence cannot be fathomed at all. However, these devices are a great risk to children since they make them exposed to various dangers. Two main smartphone operating systems nowadays are iPhone and Android, and we will be discussing Family Orbit app for parental control for Android and iPhone.
Family Orbit – Parental Control for iPhone
The main purpose of monitoring your child’s phone is no spying on your kid, but knowing that he/she is safe and sound and not exposed to different threats that modern technologies can represent. First of all, this app provides thorough and comprehensive monitoring. What can it check? Well, to put it simply – everything. The app can monitor photos that your child takes and receives, which practically means that you will know whether the youngster is exposed to inappropriate content.

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Furthermore, this app can trace the calls to and from a phone. In this way, you will know if someone is disturbing your child, or if he/she is receiving unwanted calls, and, more importantly, from whom. Apart from iPhone parental control over the calls, you will have the possibility to track all types of messages received, including SMS and WhatsApp messages. This app can also protect the phone in the way that harmful and unwanted apps and materials are not installed, and thus the safety of your child’s device and its content is not jeopardized in any way.
Finally, the app itself can be used as a tracking device, so that you can always know where your child is.
Family Orbit – Parental Control for Android
Android parental control functions in the same way as the one for the iPhone. It provides parents with the means of monitoring and taking care of their children all the time. When you want to see where your kids are, the procedure is the same: go to the computer, log into the private control panel of the app and see where they are.

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Android parental control also provides GPS phone tracking, in case you have not heard from your child for a long time, or in case he/she has lost its phone. Furthermore, in this way, you will always know the time and place of the whereabouts of your children. On top of that, the Wi-Fi accessing history can also be checked using this app.
Some people may say that this all is overreacting and that such monitoring over children’s phones is not needed. But, just remember what you hear on the news and cases you have heard regarding the abuse of children through social media used on smartphones. Family Orbit is the way to prevent this from happening and stop it at its beginnings.