eSports or Gaming – Games or Video Games. These terms refer to the same area and we already know what they are about. It’s top-notch fun, but even more than that. This is the enjoyment of overcoming obstacles and problems with good thinking, precision, and reflexes. Games are already seen as a pleasant and potentially useful way to use free time. For some, this has even proven to be a very lucrative business. Today, if you are good at eSport – you can earn a considerable amount. However, to achieve that – you need to have enough skill. The skill is developed by playing games. And what are the top 3 games that can improve your gaming skills? Discover the answers in the text before you.
Video Games: Sports, Hobbies, or Unhealthy Habits?

Source: COOP Gaming Club
Nowadays, video games are often mentioned in a negative context. Parents often worry about how games are a danger to a child – or believe that games cause some kind of addiction in teenagers and adults. The fact is that very often we do not see that they still bring us some benefits. The truth is, we should find the right measure in everything. This doesn’t mean that we will spend uncontrollably long time playing video games. However, this type of entertainment should not be anathematized or excluded from society.
Gaming Benefits

Source: ACI Worldwide
Many studies showed us over time that games can lead to improved perception, concentration, and creativity. Also, you will develop skills in playing games, which can take you far and make you successful in the present day. Games have long been not seen as a waste of time, but a pleasant and potentially useful way to use free time. When you sit in front of your console, what will you play? It may depend on your mood, taste, but also the circle of friends in which you are. Let’s take a look at the overview of some of the most famous genres and games – with which you can best develop your gaming skills. These are the top 3 games that can help you improve your gaming skills.
1. RPG – Fantastic Experience With WoW Battle For Azeroth

Source: DualShockers
These are truly games for passionate gamers. These games are played solo and in silence, for weeks and even months. Develop your character from scratch – starting with physical appearance, through traits, skills, fighting style, and problem-solving. No other genre can come close to RPG when it comes to storytelling and creating the world. The background stories of better titles are reminiscent of historical spectacles – and you are sucked into them, with a full spectrum of emotions.
WoW Battle For Azeroth
The theme of the game – the Alliance’s war against the Horde – is here again. The garrison of Warlords of Draenor is also there. World Quests from Legion are present, although it is necessary to do most of the regular quests, as well as to reach the maximum level of characters for them to be unlocked. According to, there are also the inevitable character boosters in WoW, like BfA carries. All the checked things, which work, have been and remain unchanged. Although the subtitle is Fight for Azeroth, the theme and concept are far more micro, compared to the promising macro title.
The story is far more intimate, smaller – almost a single player. However, it’s not at all far from the standard World of Warcraft because there are squabbles between the warring parties. However, the title can be a bit misleading. If you haven’t tried WoW yet – Battle For Azeroth is a solid place to start, especially since previous expansions (and basic play) are now free for all players.
2. Shooters – Rollercoaster parties with Doom

Source: gamespot
The deep background story, complex quests, and solving puzzles is great – but sometimes you just want to shoot hordes of enemies that come as if on a tape. Far from it, you don’t have to include your brain in the shooters, but the focus is definitely on fast reflexes, good aiming, absence of panic, and, after all, top-notch entertainment.
The Doom franchise was created 25 years ago and is considered one of the most important titles in the history of games in general. This is a game from 2016, true to the idea from the beginning – and trained in a modern spirit, which gives a fantastic result. This game has an exceptional pace – the enemies are pushing tirelessly and you mow through them with a wide arsenal of weapons – from guns to machineguns, all the way to a chainsaw. Stopping and finding a hiding place is not recommended. It is mostly not feasible – because all the time you go forward and don’t stop.
Your enemies are a fascinating team of creatures from Hell – and in special situations, you will be able to perform the so-called “Glory Kill” where you kill the enemy by hand, in a special sequence. For those looking for a more serious challenge – the Ultra-Nightmare difficulty level is ideal. At that level, there is no going back. You move and go all the way with one life. You can buy things you need – such as weapons, armor, ammunition, and energy – including what enemies drop when you eliminate them. If you want a little more realistic experience you can also practice your skills with Call of Duty: WWII.
3. Sport, The Eternal Derby: FIFA vs PES

Source: fifplay
Football has been in the focus of the world for a long time, and sports games share one feature with it – it will never go out of fashion. Time spent with friends playing a football tournament, having a beer, snacks, and enjoying friendly tickling around received or scored goals – will always be a good time. Whether you are a FIFA or PES type of person. Of course, when friends leave, sports games open their second dimension – sit alone and go through the season, the tournament, the playoffs in peace. You create your teams, players, make yourself, and shamelessly share the grades that make you an unsolvable challenge for the world’s best players. Special achievements and contents are unlocked, skills are honed. When friends come again later – you dominate them. Lately, everything has gotten an extra note with the internet. You can now cross spears with people from all over the world, at any time.
Fifa 18 vs PES 18
Fifa, as always, brings its subtle style of play, close to reality. The game requires a lot of skill, but also a tactical element. The player will be delighted with the licenses, commentators, and generally all the accompanying content. Mods are a special story – check out why the whole world praises the Ultimate Team, where you get 11 average players to start with and build your team from there.
With good games, victories, and meeting challenges – you earn virtual money which you can then spend on the player market or to improve aspects of your team. PES on the other hand brings players a more arcade experience. Konami always knows how to make a fluid game where every match has the potential to provide a handful of amazing goals and moments. The accompanying modes and contents have never been such a trump card for the Japanese manufacturer as the rivals from EA Sports – but it is worth mentioning the good old Master League.