We live in a modern society where having your own business is not too difficult to achieve. However, the difficult part comes when you need to start going against your competition, which means becoming better than other businesses that operate in your field.
The corporate world is one large playing field and there are a lot of business-owners who ferociously compete in the game. If you don’t follow the trends, or what others do, you increase the chances of being left behind.
Growing your business requires a lot of effort, but if you plan your moves carefully, and you use all of your resources efficiently, it’s more than doable. In today’s article, we are going to focus a bit on promotional products, and some things that you can do with them that will help you reach progressive growth.
Promotional products are quite common, and chances are that you have a few of these items in your home already. They can come in the form of any item, such as a pen, a t-shirt, a cap, a mug, or anything else that’s branded and represents either the name or the logo of a certain business.
Some people think that these products don’t have significant use, but we tend to disagree. If used properly, they can be a great marketing tool, and today we’re going to teach you all about it. Let’s take a look.
1. By enriching your meetings

Source: gotomeeting
Corporate meetings and gatherings are very common, and if you’re serious about expanding, you’ll have to do these at least once in a while. It’s nice to prepare some gifts for everyone that comes to your meeting or a presentation that you host, so feel free to use promotional products for this cause. Not only you’re gifting people a fully-functional item that they can use for their daily needs, but you’re also increasing the chances of exposure.
Besides, you won’t be saying “thank you for coming” only with words, so prepare some gifts for the attendants and enrich the entire experience.
2. Motivating your employees

Source: Bob the BA
You don’t get that “official” feeling when you’re employed unless the company hands you over some branded products that you can use. Whether that’s a shirt that you can wear with the logo of the company, or a personalized coffee mug to keep you going during your working hours, they’re all great options that you should utilize. Your employees will feel accepted and motivated to work more if they use these promotional products.
3. Opening up a store

Source: MILLION magazine
Now, this is probably what a lot of people refer to as “the best of both worlds”. You get to promote your business and earn some money at the same time. If you have a catchy logo, some good designs for your merchandise products, or just a larger and overall supportive fan base, they’ll be more than happy to purchase your branded items.
If you are looking for a way to achieve all of this without breaking your bank, feel free to visit underabuck.com. Here, you can find tradeshow giveaways and a lot more, so take a look at what they have to offer.
4. Awareness-raising campaigns

Source: legalreader
This isn’t exactly suitable for every type of business, but if you operate in a field where you often host or participate in awareness-raising campaigns, you can use this to your advantage. These are events where a lot of people group up, and by handing out free branded gifts, you can expand your network without risking anything. Just show others that your business supports the greater causes, such as encouraging the usage of eco-friendly materials, or fighting against global warming.
5. Collaborating with others

Source: legalist
There are a lot of genius things that you can do if you ever decide to collaborate with other brands and companies. A great example that you can look at is the collaboration between a toothpaste company and an ice-cream manufacturer.
The ice-cream is set on a wooden stick, and after you finish eating it, you realize that the stick is in the shape of a toothbrush, reminding you that you should take care of your teeth’s health. Of course, the stick was branded with the name and the logo of the toothpaste company.
This is just one of the things that you can do, and there are millions of options, you just have to be creative.
6. Testing the waters

Source: entrepreneur
We are quite familiar with the fact that an investment is something that you do to get a larger return. However, sometimes there is so much money involved in an investment, but the success of it is never guaranteed. You never really know if the customers will like what you’re selling, so a great thing to do is to test the waters.
You can do this by making a couple of samples of your product, then handing them over as promotional, branded gifts. Let a selected number of people use them for a while, then ask for their opinion on it. You can create a survey to log their thoughts and what they have to say. By doing this, you’re both promoting and receiving quality feedback at the same time. When the time comes for the real investment, you’ll know if it’s worth it or not. Reducing risk is important.
7. Getting a solid kickstart

Source: sbnewsroom
The beginnings are always the hardest, and any business-owner can confirm this. This is why people say that a new company needs the most help while it’s still new in the corporate world, and this is the time when you should invest the most in marketing.
One good way to get a very solid kickstart is by releasing a few waves of promotional products, and handing them over to people, whether those will be just the ones from your closer circle or anyone interested in your project.
Many businesses started like this, in a smaller garage with a stand in front of it, handing over just regular branded pens or shirts. You shouldn’t be afraid to start advertising even when you’re still so fresh on the scene. Use every opportunity to grow.