You should read this on an empty stomach
All women should visit a gynecologist at some point in their lives, even if they don’t plan on using prescription birth control and use the best safe sex practices. It’s an area that can have a lot of troubles that can escalate quickly and fiercely if left unchecked. You may want to avoid this important visit, fearing you’ll be judged, but these doctors just want to help you. These women were playing fast and loose with their lady parts and suffered grave consequences as a result.
Mental and Physical Illness

Credit: Yellow Cat/Shutterstock
I worked as a medical assistant in a gyno office and the worst patient we ever had was actually really sad. She clearly hadn’t bathed in about a week and her underwear were stained. She claimed she was having trouble getting pregnant and had a bunch of eggs frozen and wanted a pelvic exam. The smell when she took her pants off was horrific.
I’m fairly certain she had mental problems because she proceeded to tell me that she knew how to kill a man and get away with it and could help me out if I ever needed it. (Fellatious_Mule)
Take Care of Your Temple

Credit: iconogenic/Shutterstock
My wife’s an OB/GYN. The worst case she related to me was a female inmate that had such a bad case of genital warts that it was impossible to discern any specific anatomical structures. It was just a giant mass of warts and infected discharge.
She was also 10 weeks pregnant and still sexually active. (dustlesswalnut)
Gross Guy

Credit: PhotoMediaGroup/Shutterstock
My dad is a gynecologist and told me this story. He treated a girl that had trich (green, foamy discharge) who had it for months before coming in. He told her to take the medicine right away and continue it completely.
A few weeks later she comes back in, and she still had the green foamy discharge. My dad asked why she stopped taking the medicine and she said, “…Well… My boyfriend really loves the taste.” (accioalexandra)
Unsafe Sex

Credit: Urusaurus/Shutterstock
I worked for a family practice as an MA for a while. A patient who we had never seen before called the office frantically trying to schedule an appointment because she was having “lady issues.” We got her in the same day and after the doctor had talked to her for a while he told me to prep a pap room.
When we walked into the room the smell hit us like a ton of bricks. The doctor did a few throat clears & sat down at the end of the bed to start the exam. Well, after getting her feet in the stirrups he lifted her gown and his eyes went from normal to about the size of dinner plates. This girl had the most severe case of herpes I had ever seen.
Her vagina was swollen and a deep red color, covered in a severe outbreak. To make things worse, the piercing she had in her clitoris looked like it was being sucked in by her skin. Her vagina was oozing green & black gunk and when the doctor inquired a perineal tear she responded “Yeah, haven’t you ever heard of double penetration?” After the exam was over we had to convince her that her four current sexual partners needed to be contacted about their exposure to several STD’s even though, as she put it, it was too late anyways because she never uses a rubber. (samsakilla)
The Worst Wallet

Credit: pathdoc/Shutterstock
A passed out prostitute was brought to our ER via EMS. We needed to put a catheter in her. When we opened her legs, we saw a flash of green in her vagina. Turned out to be a bank roll of mostly ones, fives, tens, and a few twenties. I stopped carrying a lot of cash now.
Think about this the next time you give your kids lunch money for school. You truly never know where it has been. (TomTheNurse)
Bloody Rituals

Source: Shutterstock
When my husband was an intern on a public hospital here in Brazil he told me about 2 nasty cases:
A woman walks in complaining of a foul smell on her vagina. Upon closer inspection the doctor pulls out not one, but THREE condoms that were lost in there. She said that the last time her boyfriend had lost a condom inside her had been about a month before.
Same complaint, foul smell. Doctor examines and finds pieces of raw rotten beef. The lady explained that she left a piece of steak in there for about a week so she would cook it to her boyfriend and they would be together forever. And that was when I lost my faith in mankind. (acatisnotahome)
Stay in Your Lane

Credit: Malykalexa/Shutterstock
Patient’s sister was holding one of her legs up and cheering her on during her pushes. At one point the excited sister decided to move her head closer to the sterile field to get a closer look at the head. The obgyn performing the delivery decided to check with her fingers how far the baby descended. Patients sister yells “I can see his head he’s almost here! oh my gaaaad.”
Doctor pulls her hand out and a stream of blood tinged amniotic fluid spurts out of the patients vagina and into her sisters open mouth. To which the sister screamed dropped the patient’s leg and began frantically spitting, gagging and then puked on the spot. (Mrithu)
Coming Out

Credit: Mr.Teerapong Kunkaeo/Shutterstock
My friend’s mom is an obstetrics nurse and apparently, a woman came to the hospital complaining of stomach pains and upon a pelvic exam, they discovered she had gone into labor and the baby had gotten stuck in the birth canal and died… four days previously. The poor thing’s ARM was hanging out.
The woman claimed she didn’t know she was pregnant. Due to the fact that the baby never took a breath outside of the womb/mother’s body, it was classified as a stillbirth and nothing happened to the woman in regards to legal interaction. [deleted user]
Call the Cops

Credit: wavebreakmedia/Shutterstock
My dad is an OBGYN with a small staff working for him that he’s had for years. His receptionist is a sweetheart, salt-of-the-earth woman. One day a middle-aged man came up to the reception desk and asked her if he could schedule an appointment for his 13-year-old fiancée. She asked him what the nature of the visit would be, and he replied “I’m gonna get married to her soon, and I’m well-endowed. I just want to make sure she can handle me right.”
She was mortified, and asked my dad to listen to what the man just said. My father replied to him, “Sir, I think the best way for your future wife to be healthy is to wait for her consent and remember that she is a child.” (begottengirl)
Fixing the Tear

Credit: Minerva Studio/Shutterstock
One day I was sent into an operating room where a surgeon was using a robot to fix a middle-aged woman’s prolapsing vagina. Long story short, the surgeon is 5 feet away at a console, there are surgical techs and nurses at the patient’s side as additional “hands,” and someone actually has to climb underneath the operating table and push up on the inside of the vagina so the surgeon has something to push against when he’s sewing.
Obviously the medical student’s job! So they hand me a 10-inch metal dildo and a packet of lube and I climb under the table, find the right hole (not as easy as you might think in that situation), and proceed to diddle the patient from below while the surgeon sews away. (Maybe_Dick)
Home Cooked

Credit: Moustache Girl/Shutterstock
I worked at an OBGYN office for around 6 months as a secretary. One of the doctors told me about a woman who had severe pain located in her lady parts, and once he investigated, he found a sweet potato that was actually sprouting inside of her vagina. Once he removed it, she explained that it was apparently a home remedy to cure a yeast infection she had. (underyourgod)
Do you have a story to rival these horrors? Let us know in the comments and SHARE this story!
Original by Emily Hingle