I’m not interested in dressing up like sexy anything this Halloween. Hell, I don’t even want to go as a woman. I want to be He-Man, Master of the Universe. Well, more specifically, I want to dress up as Prince Adam just before he turns into He-Man, mostly because many of the elements of a Prince Adam costume can be worn again in some other non-Halloween context. By the power of Grayskull, feel free to copy me! All the deets, after the jump!
Purple Tights: $14, American Apparel
Purple Hot Shorts: $22, Gaiam
White T: $19.95, American Eagle
Vest: $29.99, Coldwater Creek
Wig: $21.99, Costume Super Center
Belt: $10.55, ASOS
Sword: $2.99, Party City
Boots: $24.50, Delia’s