Out of all the major social media platforms, two of them are the best for NSFW content. You can post anything you want on Twitter, while you can also post anything you want on Tumblr. Other platforms either don’t allow this kind of things to be posted, or they do, but you need to make sure that you are old enough to see it.
“Not safe for work” is what NSFW means, which is different from the SFW, which is, of course, a shorter way to write “safe for work. You have for sure seen a lot of NSFW things in your life, but you don’t even know that you have done it.
NSFW is usually a way to describe something that you should not watch around your coworkers, or even friends and family. This is, in many cases, a pornographic content, or it has something to do with violence or controversial scenes. Because of that, you need to be careful when you click on posts that are rated as NSFW.
Reddit does a great job of warning people that things that you are about to see are not appropriate for everyone. Most of the porn sites do it as well, but they also need you to verify that you are over 18 years of age. Most of this kind of posts can only be seen if you are over 18.
There’s one big difference, and a big reason why people put SFW on some things, while the other posts are not rated at all.
When you see something rated as SFW, it means that some people might think that the content they are about to see is not safe for everyone, but it actually is, so they don’t have to worry about it. When some posts are not rated at all, it means that it is obvious that it’s cool for everyone to see it.
Via lifewire