- A Republican (obviously) politician in Alaska wants the state to pay for pregnancy tests in restaurants and bars so women can find out if they are pregnant before drinking. You will be shocked, shocked to know State Senator Pete Kelly opposes abortion and doesn’t want to increase access to contraception because it’s only for women “who don’t want to act responsibly.” Using taxpayer money to put millions of pee-sticks in every establishment that sells alcohol in the state? Responsible. Dudebro literally wants Alaska to become a urination-focused police state where all women are considered to be possible incubators for a fetus. Good luck with that!
- Michigan’s ban on same-sex marriage will stay in place while state attorney’s fight a recent ruling by a federal judge that ruled the ban unconstitutional.

Source: latimes.com
- Activists in Mexico are drawing attention to the fact that very poor women are forced to give birth in the street outside of hospitals when they are refused admittance.
- The Royal & Ancient Golf Club in the UK will finally admit women after 260 as a men’s-only golf club.
- On being a woman in philosophy and feeling stupid.
- This Snickers ad somehow managed to offend every gender.
Original by: Jessica Wakeman