You have watched poker on TV and played poker on the internet and in casinos. Now you’re ready to host your own poker tournament in your game room or basement. Hosting your own poker toney is much more appealing than playing poker on the internet. Smack talk, cross-table body language, the feel of cards in your hand, and the sound of shuffled cards are all great aspects of playing poker at home. Best of all, it can be a great feeling when you drop a huge chip pot, play great, or get praise from your peers. Of course, poor poker tournament management at home can be a major headache. So make sure you run correctly and your players consistently return to your basement for your future poker tournaments.
To host an effective poker tournament tournament at home, you need a high quality poker table, top quality poker cards, clay poker chips, some kind of blind timer clock, and a strategy. Sure you can host a tournament with some cheap cards and chips, but our purpose here is to make it feel like a casino experience and your friends will play back in the future.
A high quality professional felt poker table will make your poker experience much better, but it’s also one of your biggest cash investments. If you don’t have a high quality professional felt poker table and you don’t have the budget, you can hold a poker toy without any problems.

The most important aspect to remember is the overall experience your poker friends are experiencing. If you decide to play at a cheap table, it will be more difficult to handle chips and collect cards after each hand. Cards will fly across (and sometimes away from) homemade tables. If you can’t shake your professional poker table, consider other options such as felt table toppers, or buy poker felt online to cover your table. If you are a handyman, consider making your own high quality professional poker table. It’s not that difficult.
High quality poker playing cards are essential to a successful tournament. If you buy a cheap set of $ 2, they get dirty, hard, bent edges, and have to be thrown away after an hour of poker play. Spending money on the highest quality 100% proven poker cards is well worth the investment. They work better and last much longer. If they become filthy, you can even clean them.
You need at least two cards for each poker table. This allows you to shuffle one poker play while maintaining the pace of one poker play. This is important when playing at costly blind levels and timers. You also need to get at least one cut card per table to prevent the deck’s end cards from being revealed.
Benefits of playing poker to make a living

Let’s start with why everyone wants to be a professional poker player. If this is obvious, skip to the next section.
- Choose your time-if you don’t want to work today, you don’t have to!
- You are your own boss-no one around you orders you.
- You get all the freedom you want-you can wake up whenever you like it.
- You can make more money than people of your age with relatively little effort.
- There aren’t many jobs in the world that are as fun as poker.
- You can make huge amounts of money in a very short period of time-everyone loves quick money!
- If you move to a place like the UK, poker is completely legal and you don’t have to pay taxes on your prizes.
- You can still make a lot of money, even if you are lazy and disorganized! This is something that cannot be easily escaped in the real world.
- You can make your dreams come true. In life, you should do what you enjoy most. Most people grow up wanting to be actors, tennis players, singers, etc. Professional poker is an alternative route to one of these fascinating careers.
How much do you really enjoy poker?

OK let’s get started!
If you’re reading this, you’re probably playing poker “lots” and enjoying it a lot. But do you want to play poker 5-6 times a week for the rest of your life? Only poker may seem like what you want to do now, but in a few years you might think of something else!
Take into account the differences involved. It may have been running more than expected. In poker, downswing is inevitable and you must be able to handle it. Downswings can be very tough and cruel. No matter how good you are, it will happen to you, so be prepared for them.
You need to be completely immersed in poker and know almost everything related to poker. If you want to be a professional poker player, you need the urge to play poker every day.
What skills do I need to be a professional poker player?

Another factor to consider is whether you are really good at poker. Are you really cut out for it? Most people don’t. Here are some of the qualities you need to be successful as a professional poker player:
- Good temperament, discipline, and self-control.
- You need to be pretty intelligent. You don’t have to be a genius, but if you’re always at the bottom of your math class, rethink your career.
- Have a reasonable mathematical background-requires a general understanding of odds and variances.
- You need to be competitive, but at the same time you can put your ego aside.
- Excellent analytical skills.
- I am good at reading people.
- Here are some tips for games and gambling. This is similar to the case of a business where people talk about having good “business insight”. The term sounds like a bull ***, but it’s actually very important.
- You should be a positive person in general.
- Can handle pressure.
- You can get yourself back in bad times.
- The reality of life as a professional poker player
When you become a professional, you need to keep improving. Most professional poker players continue to improve after turning professional. You should always take the time to keep studying the game.
In general, poker and social life are not closely related. But if you can find the right balance between poker and life, it’s a bonus. You need to ask yourself how you are viewed by your family, friends and the community in which you live. If you don’t care what others think of you, ignore this last piece of advice! click here