Breaking news in the world of snake detection. And no, I’m not talking about trouser snakes. I’m talking about actual snakes. Those slithery things that can kill you, either because you are freaked out to the point of cardiac arrest or because they are poisonous. Those things. A new study found that women are better at sensing the presence of snakes right before their periods. Add that to the list of amazing PMS symptoms: Bloating, cramping, irritability, food cravings, heightened sensitivity to snakes. And why does PMS make us so snake sensitive? Because our premenstrual hormones make us more aware of perceived threats. In case we are pregnant and trying to keep our spawn safe from things like snakes. Certainly, if I ever go camping (which I don’t plan to), it will right before my period, so that I can save myself from snake death. [Live Science]
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