There is nothing as useful for making curved cuts on plywood and particle board as jigsaws. It is the ultimate power tool for delicate, cured cutting of thin materials which include PVC, wood, parquet, plastic, and melamine. However, some woodworkers don’t quite like that sometimes blades tend to bend and ruin straight cuts, but this doesn’t present such a big problem for many casual woodworkers. Sure, you can saw the wood manually into a certain shape, but the process is time-consuming and it requires much more energy and focus. Jigsaws aren’t too heavy, they’re easily portable, and they get the job done quickly and efficiently. For more information on the best jigsaws for the money visit They are also perfect for creating holes and other openings for electrical sockets, for example.

Source: Woodworking Fuel
It is a very versatile tool as it can easily cut through metal, brick, glass, tiles, marble, and granite. When looking for your new jigsaw, you should decide whether you want a corded, cordless, or pneumatic one.
According to Top15products, the best jigsaw tools are the Bosch JS470E Corded Jigsaw and the DEWALT DCS331B Cordless Jigsaw
Corded jigsaws are pretty powerful and they usually operate at 3 to 8 amperes of power. It can be used continuously as it doesn’t have to be charged. However, a downside is that the cord will limit your movement and you’ll have to stay relatively close to the power source like an electric outlet. The cord can also get damaged in which case it would need to be repaired or replaced. If you’re opting for a corded jigsaw, make sure that the cord is thick, durable, and rubber-insulated.

Source: Bosch Professional
Cordless jigsaws are much more practical as they’re using an integral source of power and you don’t have to keep them close to the outlet. Of course, that power source is making the jigsaw heavier and so they are a bit more difficult to control. Another downside is that the batteries will die at some point and you’ll need to recharge them. One solution is to always have a spare battery you can use while the other one is charging. There’s always a risk that your battery will die in the middle of the work which can be quite frustrating.
Pneumatic jigsaws use compressed air as the power source. They are really light and easily controllable. They do need an air compressor to work as well as an associated pneumatic hose.

Source: YouTube
Like many other tools, jigsaws can also be domestic and professional. While the power of the domestic jigsaw is usually somewhere between 350 watts and 700 wats, the professional ones go up to 1500 watts. So, you should choose your jigsaw based on what type of material you’re going to cut.
Also, another important criterium is the maximum depth of cutting. The majority of domestic jigsaws can cut a board that’s around 2.7 inches thick while professional ones can cut up to 5.5 inches. Keep in mind that the higher the tool power is, the bigger it’s weight. Think about what you’ll be using your tool for and make your choice wisely.