It is not a secret that many factors can influence your love relationship. There will always be ups and downs. Those good and bad changes are the usual part of every love relationship in the world. Yet, that doesn’t mean you should try to control everything. If you try something like that, you will lose that battle before you even start.
Instead, love partners should try to work on things that they control. This is a group task which means that both partners need to work as a team. We know that saying this is maybe “forbidden”, but it is necessary to be honest. The sex life of the partners has a huge impact on the entire love relationship. Good sex means that both partners will be satisfied and happy. That’s why a complete openness in sexual relationships is necessary.
Still, we have noticed that there is some sort of fear around sexual conversation. We are here to help you overcome those fears in the right way.
Well, we suppose that it takes time to start having trust in your love partner. Our intention is not to say that everyone deserves your trust. Yet, if you are together with your partner for a longer time, then there is no reason not to share your fantasies. If you do not believe completely to your partner after a year or two, then you should think twice if your choice was the best possible one.
It is necessary to start talking about your fantasies as soon as possible. If you feel uncomfortable to do that at once, you can start sharing your hidden wishes slowly. Making jokes is the easiest way to start this sort of conversation. Anyway, we suggest you do not delay. Many people have the same plan – “Okay, I will tell him/her tomorrow.” But, that “tomorrow” never comes. Do not think about it a lot; just start talking without any planning.

Encourage Your Partner to Say the Same
Sharing your fantasies with your partner may be a risk for you. Still, that risk can raise your love relationship to another level. Let’s say that you said everything you were “hiding” from your partner. Will that be enough? Of course, it won’t, the “other side” also needs to do the same.
Still, it is recommendable not to require that directly. For instance, do not say things like “I told you, now it is your turn.” That can confuse and scare your partner even more. It becomes some sort of duty and people do not want to have that sort of duty in the love relationship. Instead, let your partner to slowly understand that you are a reliable person.
Be Open-Minded
Many people are trying hard to find out the fantasies of their partner. However, when that important moment comes, in some cases they get completely disappointed. The reason for that is simple – the fantasies of their partner are not the same as theirs.
Do not judge the fantasies of your partner just because you don’t like or understand them. If you start to judge his/her fantasies because they are different from yours, your partner has a complete right to do the same. Besides that, keep in mind that your partner won’t share anything with you in the future. He or she will keep fantasies even harder after that. This can lead to a breakup.
Both partners need to be open-minded. It doesn’t matter if something looks strange or unusual to you. You need to somehow make your partner happy if you expect to get the same. That is the only formula that brings joy, satisfaction, and happiness in love relationships.

Experiment Together
As we already said once in this article, encouraging openness in sexual relationships requires teamwork. You both need to be involved in this process. So, the best way to overcome fears is to start working together on your fantasies.
Your fantasies maybe won’t be the same at the beginning. Still, there is always a chance that the fantasies can change. You are both starting to understand the things that each of your likes and that could lead to making your common fantasies.
For example, many people sit down and turn on porn movies to see which things might be interesting to both of them. In that way, they can maybe find some things that are interesting to both of them.
Besides that, this is maybe a taboo subject, but it is becoming more and more popular among love couples. Many couples have a sex doll or sex robot in their bedroom. It is a great tool for exploring fantasies and trying out new things. These dolls have improved a lot and they tend to make progress in the future as well. That’s why we suggest you check and find out some of the dolls that will make your sexual life even better.
Talk with Other People
The sex fantasies that people have are an intimate thing. However, are there other couples that you completely trust? Did some of those couples have already started to talk slowly about the fantasies they have? Well, sharing your experiences with the might be a great choice.
There is one important thing that you need to know. Do not start sharing the fantasies that you tend to try out with your partner without consulting with him or her. This also should be a “group task”. For instance, you are both confused and you need a piece of advice. Before you meet with your friends, discuss whether your friends should be consulted. If both partners agree, there won’t be a problem.
Of course, analyze who of your partners is the right choice for something like that. The majority of people are still hiding their fantasies from their partners. Many of them would start to look strange and this can ruin the openness in a sexual relationship that you were building for a long time.

Do not feel bad if you have the need to make some changes in your sex life. It is always better to change sex habits than changing partners. A “basic” sex becomes monotonous sooner or later and that’s not something you should worry about.