If we disregard Facebook, then we would have Instagram as the most popular social platform on the Internet, easily surpassing the likes of Twitter and Snapchat. Although, recently, teens and young adults have started turning their attention towards Instagram instead of Facebook solely because the former of the two has amazing camera filters.
Unlike Facebook, Instagram started exclusively for posting pictures, but that has changed since the begging as now people can post videos and carousel posts. If history tells us anything is that people want to be the best at something. That also applies to their Instagram accounts. Nowadays, people can get very wealthy by using their Instagram account to grow their businesses.

Img source: studentbl.com
Such is the “limitation” of Instagram. But for you to get there, you need to grow your account. The way you do that is by gaining likes and followers. And the easiest way to do that is to get people to interact with your content.
Before we continue, we should say that likes are a way to reach more people. They can influence people’s perception in a way that, they can create a herd mentality, meaning that the more likes your post has, the more people will like your post. Using our guide will certainly help you get free Instagram likes, and subsequently, increase the number of followers.
Because of that, we are going to tell you how to get free Instagram likes that will grow your Instagram account in no time.

Img source: medium.com
Hashtags are wonderful tools that the App itself allows you to use, and it is the easiest tool to use, but hardest to master. Why is that you might ask? Well, this is because hashtags act as like a gateway to various categories and subcategories on Instagram. And in order for hashtags to work for you, they need to be relevant to the picture or video you’re posting. If your content is relevant to the hashtag you’re using, then more and more people will relate to your content, and you will have a bigger chance to gain likes and followers.
Instagram only lets you use 30 hashtags per post. It doesn’t matter what kind of post whether that’s a picture or a video, the main point is that 30 is the maximum number of hashtags. How you choose to use them, it’s entirely up to you. However, if 30 is the maximum number, that doesn’t mean it’s the optimal number. A study conducted on Instagram accounts with less than 1000 followers found that the optimal number of hashtags per post is 11.
Img source: idownloadblog.com3. Make Sure to Post Excellent Content
The quality of your Instagram account is reflected by the quality of your content. The two go hand in hand together, and your main objective would be to focus on delivering great content to your audience. With today’s technology, you can post excellent quality pictures and videos, and you don’t even need a professional camera. Your phone will do just fine, and add to that the amazing filters that Instagram has available for free to you.
4. Interact With People
At the end of the day, Instagram is a social media platform, and the main goal of Instagram is for its users to interact with each other. You can disregard this if you’re a famous celebrity, but why would you be reading this if you are a Hollywood superstar? So for that reason, make sure to always engage with your audience. If they comment, then comment back. People will enjoy the time you’ve taken to read what they’ve said, and they will enjoy it even more if you acknowledge what they say.