If you are running any kind of business, then surely, you are continually working on both improving the efficiency of your employees and on the overall growth of the company. Nowadays, due to technology gadgets, there are many strategies you can implement, everything from marketing campaigns to state-of-the-art devices and gear that your workers use on a daily basis. However, in the following article, we are going to focus on GPS tracking and let you know how you can benefit from this tool.
First of all, if you have a shipping company or something similar you probably have multiple trucks that are always on the road, and this tool will allow you to know their exact location at all times. Surely, you want your customers to receive their packages as fast as possible, and one of the ways you can ensure that this happens is to have a clear view of the trucks that are available and also closest to the said location. How to achieve this? Well, by using a tool such as intellitrac.com.au.
Ensuring that your clients receive your services as soon as possible is of utmost importance. Not only do you have to be able to meet their requests at any time, but also you have to dispatch the vehicles almost immediately. Since the managers can use this software to communicate with the workers, we believe this to be an important advantage. Imagine this – you get a call from a client who immediately needs some of your services, what do you do? By using this program you will be able to see which driver is the closest to the customer’s location and can you easily send him there.

Source: lbmjournal
Similarly, as you can contact your employees, they can contact you too in the same way. Why is this important? Well, sometimes something unexpected can occur, something that can slow everything down. For example, you or any of the workers can get the info that there are constructions on the road that you weren’t informed about and that that road is closed. This is something that can happen quite often and the best way to avoid being stuck in traffic thus delaying the delivery is to be able to share the latest news with the entire team. And this is exactly what this tool allows you to do. Not only can managers inform the drivers of any inconveniences but they can also communicate among themselves thus increase their own efficiency.
Do you know that this way you can also protect your possessions? Let’s be honest, when you are in this line of business, the trucks are your most valuable assets, and you cannot conduct your business without them. Unfortunately, thefts happen from time and time, and you have to do everything that is in your power to prevent them. When you implement this tool, you will have a clear view of all your vehicles at all times.
In addition, we all know that people are in the habit of using company cars instead of their own. This is totally fine if you have allowed them to do it, but if not, this means more gas bills for you. In order to save money, there are two things that you can do. Firstly, you have to ensure that all the vehicles are used for completing business-related tasks only. Secondly, by being able to redirect the drivers to a new route, probably the shortest one, you are not only improving their efficiency but are also saving gas since you are the one who gets to choose the route they take. Let’s be realistic, nowadays, gas fees are very high, and they are only going to increase in the future. It might not seem like a lot of money on a weekly or monthly basis, but believe us you will see in quarterly or annual reports that you have some extra funds you can then invest in improving some other aspect of the business.
Furthermore, another benefit we have to mention is the reduction in insurance costs. This is a necessary expense that you have to pay every month not just because of your assets but also because of your drivers. However, this tool allows you to cut down the insurance rate. How? Well since you can monitor the behavior of your drivers (the speed and any kind of traffic violation) you are decreasing the chances of accidents. As you can see, not only are you lowering the insurance rates but you are also ensuring that the employees are responsible drivers thus reducing the probability of any kind of ticket violations arriving at your company’s address.

Source: appsetter
We have discussed different types of situations that you can manage if you work in an office. However, many business owners, especially if they run a small company, don’t feel good sitting in an office the entire day and want to be on the field working or supervising their employees. This tool is something that you can use outside of the office which means that it allows you to be flexible. You can plan a route and share all the info in the morning before the workday starts, and then you can leave the company and go to the field without worrying that you are going to miss something because this tool can go with you. If something unplanned happens, you will be informed instantly, regardless of your location, and be able to dispatch workers to complete the job. Or you can even go do it yourself if for some reason all of your employees are occupied with something else.
The last benefit of implementing a GPS tracking system is that you will be able to analyze your business in great detail, understand how it all works, and what needs to be changed in order to improve the efficiency. You can opt for daily, weekly or monthly reports that will show you how everything functions, what is earning you money, or on the other hand, what causes you to lose it. We believe this to be an important benefit because it will help you make some crucial decisions that will affect your company.
To sum up, these are some basic benefits of using a GPS tool. In the article, we have focused on some that can be applied to multiple types of companies, and we are sure that you can think of a few more that will take your firm to the next level.
You can find more information on https://geocodeapi.io/.