All over the world, cases of heart diseases and diabetes are increasing. Every day, people are made to spend thousands of dollars treating a disease or a problem that could have been avoided just by eating balanced nutrition. Some experts have described a lack of balanced nutrition as one of the most common problems of our generation. This is not only the problem of poor people. Even rich people who spend a lot of money on foods may still lack balanced nutrition.
In recent data, it was shown that 34.2% of adults who age 20 years and above are overweight while 33.8 of them are obese. The same study also showed that 5.7% of adults over 20 years are extremely obese. Poor nutrition contributes to obesity. When one is obese, he is exposed to a number of different health problems such as diabetes and heart diseases.
A study conducted in the United States in 2013 showed that 37% of Americans have cardiovascular disease while 34% have hypertension which usually leads to stroke and heart disease. According to the World Health Organization, about 80% of all stroke, heart disease, and Type-diabetes and even up to 40% of cancer could be prevented if people get better at eating balanced nutrition and engaging in more physical activities. As you can see, there are so many reasons why it is important that you start taking your diet seriously. If you are looking for a way to improve your health using balanced nutrition, this article will teach you everything you need to know. Keep on reading to find out more.

Source: Harvard Health – Harvard University
What is Balanced Nutrition?
Balanced nutrition or a balanced diet is a food that fulfills all of a person’s nutritional needs. When you eat a balanced diet, it will provide you with all the nutrition your body needs to function effectively and reduce the risk of diseases. A balanced diet must include foods from the 5 groups which include: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat milk products, and lean meats.
According to the WHO, only about 21% of adults consumed the recommended amount of fruits per day. Eating balanced nutrition will help you to improve all the areas of your body. You will look better and healthier.
Top Ways To Improve Your Health With A Balanced Nutrition
1. Eat Plenty of Vegetables and Fruit
As we already mentioned above, more than 70% of adults all over the world don’t consume the recommended amount of vegetables and fruits per day. Hence, they are lacking important nutrients. Vegetables and fruits are an important source of minerals, vitamins, plant protein, dietary fiber, as well as antioxidants. These nutritions will help you fight against heart disease, obesity, stroke as well as a certain type of cancer.

Source: Cleveland Clinic Health Essentials
2. Take Less Sugar
According to a study, reducing your daily sugar intake to under 5% has numerous health benefits. Instead of eating sugar from foods such as cakes, cookies, ice cream, and chocolate, you should replace them with fresh fruits. Also, limit your intake of foods such as soda in order to reduce the amount of sugar you consume per day.
3. Eat Less Fat
There is a right and wrong type of fats. Eating too much of wrong fats such as saturated and industrially-produced trans-fat can significantly increase your risk of stroke and heart disease. It is recommended that you reduce the number of fats you consume per day. If you must eat fat, it is recommended you choose unsaturated vegetable oils instead of animal fats or oils that are very rich in saturated fats.
4. Cut Down On Salt Intake
Eating too much salt is not good for you. Too much salt intake can lead to problems such as hypertension and even increase your risk of stroke and heart disease. You need to keep your daily intake of salt to less than 5h. Additionally, there are other products that contain a high amount of sodium and sugar, ensure you avoid such foods.

Source: Healthline
Become a Nutritionist
Instead of just losing weight and staying healthy, you can take a step further by becoming a nutritionist. As a nutritionist, not only you will know the right food to eat but you will also help others to get in shape by directing them on the type of food to eat. You will even get paid to do that.
Experts from suggest that becoming a nutritionist is easy. All you have to do is search for a reliable and accredited nutrition course online and enroll today. Most nutrition courses are very affordable. It is a great way to help yourself and the world.