People who suffer from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder know what it’s like to not being able to live their lives as they wish. OCD is a condition that is very difficult to manage on a daily bases.
Some people suffer from a “checking” condition, meaning that they would often check if they’ve locked the door or turn off the iron. Living with OCD can be a nightmarish experience, one that the laws of reason do not apply. Having to constantly doubt yourself whether you’ve turned off your oven or taken all the necessary precautions to lock your home, can become a burden on your shoulders. People have made it to work only to turn around and go back home to check if they’ve locked the door.
It can be a very anxious condition for both the person suffering and his family.
In this article, we are going to give you a few tips on how to keep your OCD under control.
1. Realize You Have OCD
Having to constantly tolerate your OCD on a daily bases will do you no good in the long run. At first, it can be manageable, but as more and more things start to bother you, it could become an overwhelming issue. Not realizing, and refusing to realize, that you are suffering from this obsessive disorder could make it very difficult for you to move on in the future. The first step to take in order to manage your OCD is to realize that you have one.
2. CBD Oils
Many people have turned their attention towards Cannabidiol (CBD) oil as a way to help with anxiety and OCD. It is a study-proven way that can help you keep your OCD under control. Finding the best CBD oil on the market will allow you to successfully manage your OCD. It doesn’t get you high as there is no THC in it. It can be used to treat depression, anxiety, OCD, epilepsy, and it can even help with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and mood swings.
3. Understand What OCD Means for You
Having to constantly worry about things, whether that’s with checking or something else can put you in a cycle of never-ending confusion. The sooner you understand what your OCD means and does to you, the sooner you will learn how to cope with it.
4. Support Yourself
One way to deal with OCD and one way to deal with compulsive reactions are to find a way to support yourself. Make a checklist every time you leave the house and on that checklist, make sure to put everything important that you need to turn off such as gas, iron, oven, lights, door, etc. It might not be a definitive solution, but it will be one that will certainly lessen the effect. You still might need to go back and check, but it won’t occur that very often.
5. Realize it Takes Time
Even with a checklist in place, or a perfectly orchestrated plan, there is no quick way to solve your problem. Overcoming your OCD will not happen overnight, quite, on the contrary, it will take years before you successfully start to manage it. You will still go back and check for the door, but after years of practice, it will eventually occur only ones or twice a week. Understanding and confronting with the thought of it being a long process will eventually set you on a path to success.