Many people in the world face symptoms such as nervousness, racing heart, chest pain, and agitation throughout their lives. These are the symptoms for chronic stress and anxiety, and in fact, anxiety is one of the most common mental health issues amongst Americans, with more than 20% of adults, each year are affected by this disorder. For that reason, we are going to learn in this article about various natural and home remedies that can help with anxiety and stress.
1.   Exercise
We burn a lot of anxious energy through exercise and workout. A 2015 study showed that up to 12 randomized controlled exercises could be used as a treatment for anxiety. Another study has shown that people who suffered from anxiety showed improvements after quitting smoking.
2.   Meditation
Meditation is a practice that can help you slow your thoughts and restore peace in your mind, subsequently making it easier to manage anxiety and stress. A lot of meditation styles can help you cope with this disorder, a very popular style includes mindfulness and meditation during yoga.
3.   Writing
Writing has shown to be effective towards managing stress and anxiety. Research suggests that expressing your anxiety through writing, as well as journaling and other forms of writing, can help people cope better with anxiety. A study from 2016 has even found that creative writing can be helpful to children and teens in the battle against issues such as these.
4.   CBD Gummies
CBD oils have been found useful for sleep, anxiety, and depression. CBD or (Cannabidiol) is just one component out of a hundred found in cannabis. Its effect doesn’t get you high, but can be used to help with the above mentioned. CBD Gummies are all-natural, non-GMO, organic CBD oil super anti-anxiety health bombs. They are like gummy bears but better, and their potencies can range from 5 mg to 25 mg and typically sold in 30 to 60 gummies per packaging. If you ever feel stressed or anxious, snack on a few tasty Gummies once or twice per day and you’re good to go.
5.     Spend Time With Animals
A Research that was published in 2018 confirmed that pets could be beneficial to people suffering from mental health issues, such as anxiety. Many people prefer dog and cats, but for those who are allergic fear not. A study in 2015 found that listening to crickets will improve your psychological well being. Pets have been extremely helpful with treating anxiety disorders in children, especially the study suggests grooming and spending time with horses.
6.   Aromatherapy
Our brain reacts positively to smelling soothing plant oils and subsequently helping us reduce anxiety and stress. A study in 2012 had positive results in testing lavender aromatherapy on Insomnia patients aged 45-55. The results found that aromatherapy slows the heart rate and helps ease sleeping.
7.   Herbal Teas and Supplements
Another study in 2018 has found that chamomile can alter levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, and help with anxiety. People also find the thought of making and drinking tea soothing, but there are herbs that have more effect on our brains. Apart from teas, herbal supplements claim to help with anxiety, although little scientific research and evidence supports these claims. A lot of people claim that herbal supplements have helped them reduce stress and anxiety and this could be true if further research and evidence emerges.
If not treated properly, anxiety can get worst and make a person’s life a living nightmare. Chronic anxiety is highly treatable with therapy, natural remedies, medications, but most importantly, it requires whole lifestyle changes.