Do we even need to say how important education is? If you ask us, education is the first step leads to the true happiness of life. We are not talking here about job opportunities that you will get. Education leads to freedom because you will be able to make a decision independently. Despite that, you are developing your personality and mindset. So, there are many benefits that education can bring.
However, people get a bit confused. In most cases, education is a synonym for schooling or colleges/universities. Yet, education is not limited to the current place or current period. People need to strive to learn new things every single day until the end of their life. Even then, it doesn’t mean you will be the person that knows everything.
Anyway, universities are expensive and not everyone is able to afford that type of education. By the way, if you ask us, informal education is a more challenging process that brings better results. Because of that, we want to talk about alternatives to college in this article. If you are not going to college, that is not the end of the world. The Internet allows you to educate yourself from the comfort of your room.
You need to have two things – a laptop/computer and a stable Wi-Fi connection. We suppose that is not something unaffordable, isn’t it? So, let see how young women can educate themselves.

Source: AdobeStock
The king of research is definitely a platform that we use every single day. If you don’t know an answer to some question, then ask Google. You will find an in-depth answer there.
So, we will give you small tips on how to research Google in the right way. First of all, use the “keywords” of the things that you want to explore. For instance, if you want to educate yourself about the marketing field, then typing “Everything about marketing” would be a good choice. However, if you want to find something specific, then start your research with the “How to…” phrase. We are sure that you will get at least 2000 links to explore.
Google will help you reach blogs that are talking about a certain industry. We won’t talk about numbers, but you can’t even imagine how many educational blogs exist. We hope you will find the one that suits you the most.

Source: pewresearch
YouTube is a perfect place to improve your knowledge related to several industries. The list is probably a lot longer, but we would like to highlight programming and design. The reason for that is simple. Many designers (web or graphic) and programmers are willing to share their knowledge. That’s why they usually record their screen while solving a current problem.
For example, many designers share tutorials associated with Photoshop and Illustrator, two tools that every graphic designer should know. After that moment, you can try out to do things directly without spending too much time on theory.
Of course, we encourage you to use this platform as an educational tool for some other fields as well. Whichever field you are interested in, it is important to find a reliable channel that has the credibility to talk about the current subject.

Source: entrepreneur
Reading books is necessary even if you are going to college as well. It is a sad fact that an average American reads only 4 books per year. This basically means that most of them do not reach 200 books during their entire life.
A young woman should always find at least 2 hours per day to read books. It is a much better choice than spending your time in front of the TV or mobile. Actually, Internet technology allows us to read books on our mobiles and computer devices as well. You will be able to find many e-books to download completely free. Even if you need to spend a couple of dollars, the results can be huge. Only one book can change your life completely. That’s the purpose of education, isn’t it?
Before you start reading a book, do a little research. Find out who is the author of the book and does he have the credibility to talk about that. Despite that, check the reviews before you download an e-book. The opinion of previous readers can help you a lot with this.
Educational Websites

Source: AdobeStock
This is probably the best way to find everything you want to discover. There are different educational websites where you can improve your skills to another level. You can find tutorials, lessons, or guidelines for each industry that exists.
For example, the eLearning Industry is a place where you can find educational software that will share valuable pieces of information from different fields. It is a place where you can even look for jobs from a certain industry. Despite that, you also have the option to find some useful e-books.
It is great if you know how to educate yourself without any help. Yet, if you need some, the eLearning Industry pieces of software are a great thing for you. If you are willing to check that out, then we call you to click here and find out more.
Find a Mentor

Source: AdobeStock
Let’s imagine that you want to become a content writer. However, you can’t afford colleges or schools to improve your knowledge in that field. Many of us would give up and find a regular 9-5 job. Yet, we suggest young women not to do that. Instead, why should you try to find a mentor that will share his knowledge with you?
We do not want to say that this type of education is free. It is hard to find someone willing to spend his time without any profit. However, when someone who has the knowledge and experience wants to teach you something new, the results can be great.
Do not limit your mentor research only on one person. Despite that, do not even look for a mentor without even some basic knowledge about a certain industry. Use the previous steps that we listed here and after that try to improve your skills and talents together with that person.