Gemini is a Zodiac sign that lasts from 21st May to 20th June. People born under this sign are sharp-minded, optimistic and energetic, love to learn and try out new things, but most of all, they love sharing ideas. They are people-oriented, talkative, fickle and expressive and are always searching for something interesting to do. Gemini tends to change their mind often and have a hard time making decisions. These Gemini traits, as well as their dual nature, can be the reason why people dislike them.
Gemini typically appears as a Twin symbol in the Zodiac, describing the duality of their nature. Amongst numerous artistic representations of this symbol, such as Roman numeral II, the meaning was always the same – unanimity of intellect and intuition. There are only a few Zodiac signs, such as Aquarius, Sagittarius, and Pisces, that can put up with the dual essence of Gemini and build great relationships with them. Gemini love to love and bring the spirit of accepting and positivity in their relationships, always keeping it fun.
This tendency to give their love and the duality Gemini have is best represented by the main June birthstone, the Pearl, which can bring many good effects to a life of a Gemini. Born in the month of June, Gemini are meant to receive the empowering of Mother Gaia when the Pearl is used on the Heart chakra as a pendant. The Pearl is the only crystal made by living organisms and only two Mollusks together are able to make the kind of Pearl that can become a piece of jewelry.
That said, you can take the time to learn about all the gems and birthstones available for every single month on
Besides the Pearl, there are two other crystals considered as a June birthstone – the Alexandrite and the Moonstone. Alexandrite is an expensive crystal that was found in 1834. in Russia. It was named by Tsar Alexander the II and can change its color from green to red. Similar to Alexandrite, Moonstone changes color from gray to pink and orange, following the phases of the Moon. It was named by a Roman historian Pliny and can be found in Switzerland and Sri Lanka. As one of the most powerful crystals, Moonstone empowers patience, courage, and creativity and relaxes chakras so energy can flow smoothly.
Gemini can use many more gemstones depending on decanate they were born in.
Gemini born in the first decanate, prior to May 31st, can choose Malachite. It matches Jupiter as their protector and empowers logical and intuitive thinking which is the main characteristic of Gemini born in this period.
The second decanate of June, from 1st to 10th, is protected by Mars. Gemini born in this time span can be aggressive and egoistic, and the right crystals for them are Cat’s eye, Onyx, Amber, Opal and Citrine. Citrine is known to bring positive energy, improve willpower, makes the mind bright and courageous. It activates multiple chakras, so the energy can circle through.
The third decanate in the month of June, from 11th to 20th, is governed by the Sun. Sapphire, Tourmaline and Topaz are crystals that can channel the energy and warmth of these Gemini, and prevent them of burning in anger. Blue Sapphire is especially known for empowering mind focus and throat area in people who have intellectually demanding jobs. Topaz is a powerful crystal that protects and calms the mind and inspires creativity.
Amongst others, Tiger Eye, Turquoise, Aquamarine and Emerald are also significantly good for Gemini. Emerald is considered the best crystal to bring luck to Gemini and to help them feel calm. Tiger Eye activates Solar Plexus chakra and improves self-confidence and harmony. Turquoise and Aquamarine are given to travelers and sailors, helping Gemini resolve their conflicts and negativity and bringing them luck.
The planet Mercury governs the sign of Gemini and Mercury is an enemy of Mars, so Gemini should avoid Red Coral and heavy, expensive rubies and diamonds.