Depression is very common among young adults and adults in the United States. It is a state of mind where you cannot motivate yourself to do anything. Often times you will feel worthless, tired, and everything will seem uninspiring.
It’s not easy to live with depression; often times it can be very difficult to get yourself to do anything. But there is one thing to remember if you ever feel depressed – Depression is very common and it can occur to anyone. Its also important to not feel worthless, because everyone is special in their own way.
If you do happen to be depressed, we are going to tell you a few tips on how to fight it.
1. Do not Isolate Yourself
When we are depressed, it seems as we want to be left alone. But that’s the number one thing that people with depression get wrong. They like to be left alone, keep quiet, and not be disturbed. However, social interaction is the best cure when you feel the blues. Furthermore, discussing how you feel with the closest people around is bound to make things better. Get in contact with a close friend and tell him how you feel. There is nothing wrong with communicating with people about your problems. Friends and family are the best way to fight depression.

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2. Get Medication
Most people wish they hadn’t delayed medication when fighting severe depression. One such medication is Trintellix. Trintellix is a well known antidepressant medication that is used to treat anything from slight to severe chronic depression. The medication comes in the form of oral tablets in 5, 10 and 20 mg dosage. Trintellix is not your typical antidepressant and works in a unique way that is effective for reducing the symptoms of depression. In multiple studies, Trintellix was taken by people with symptoms of depression. When the study ended, scientists found that the symptoms of depression were reduced by 50% in the participants, and a whole 1/3 of people had complete symptom relief.
3. Watch Funny TV shows, Movies, or even Cartoons
Laughter is another way to convince your brain that you are happy. Laughter is said to be the best kind of medication when feeling down. Many psychologists view depression as this bad voice who tricks you into thinking that you are not good enough, bad, worthless, etc. What better way to combat that voice than with someone else’s who will make you feel the opposite?

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4. Be More Active
Another way to battle depression is to go out more during the day and be more active. When you are depressed, your energy levels drop massively; and this is the perfect time to get them back up. What better way to do that than to go for a walk, or if you are a more active person- go for a jog. It has been scientifically proven that a 20-minute walk in the closes park in your area can have massive results towards your state of mind. 20 minutes a day, 5 times a week, and you will feel better in no time. This is because any form of exercise can increase the neuro-plasticity of your brain. This subsequently releases endorphins which helps elevate your mood.