I have heard hundreds of people saying that it is so important to take care of our teeth during childhood and adulthood. It is one of those parts in the human body that are not able to regenerate or recover by themselves. I probably have heard that a thousand times and it is definitely true. I assume that you have heard the same thing too. But, maintaining a healthy and beautiful smile is not easy. The teeth require careful, delicate, and daily maintenance if you want him to be in the best shape possible.
However, it seemed like no matter how many times you brush your teeth, they still stay the same yellowish color and they do not look as good as some other people’s smiles. So, what is it exactly that they do to make their smile special? What is the secret to healthy and white teeth?
Well, the answer is a bit more complicated than just brushing your teeth multiple times a day. But, do not worry, because, in this article, I am going to talk about those secrets to help you.
1. Regularly visit your dentist

Source: Dental Arts of Palm Harbor
In the past, I have the habit of going to my dentist only when I had some kind of issue. When my gums or my mouth starts to hurt. And, that is a good strategy, at least several times better than not going to a dentist.
However, that is not good enough if you want your smile to be perfect and healthy. So, the secret is basically to visit your dentist regularly. If you are an adult, you should probably see one at least every three months. Yes, you should have at least four appointments every year. I know, it sounds like a lot, but it really is not.
The best dentistry is the least dentistry as mynazarethdentist.com says. It is always better to take preventative measures for your teeth.
If you maintain your health, there will be no need for any long or expensive procedures. The dentist is only going to check the status of your teeth and maybe clean them a bit.
2. Always have dental floss nearby

Source: Hartwell Dentistry
This is one of the most open secrets regarding tooth health, but it seemed like it is ignored by most people. Dentists are constantly trying to show the importance of using dental floss but to no avail. They do not seem to understand that a simple toothbrush is not enough to protect you from the worst bacteria.
The food and the bacteria that can get stuck in between your teeth can cause some serious damage if it is not clean. The fact is that the toothbrush is only effective for the front and the back of a tooth. But, what about the sides? What about those parts that are connected to the gums. The only way to clear that is with dental floss.
Out of all these “secrets” or tips, this is one that I highly suggest that you implement in your daily life.
I understand that you might have trouble adjusting to flossing after every meal, but you do not have to do that. Flossing at least once a day is much better than just brushing.
3. Frequently replace your toothbrush

Source: dentistry
I have to admit that I also had the habit of using the same brush for an entire year or sometimes even more. I thought that if the brush looks like it is in a good shape, there is no need to replace it. But, that is not true because most experts say that it should be replaced once every three or four months. It would be better if people replaced sooner, but there really is no need because of financial reasons. It does not make sense to spend so much money on replacing the brush every month or two.
The reason why this is important is that the bristles on the brush can deteriorate over time. If you are an aggressive and strong brusher like me this means that your bristles deteriorate faster than normal. Once they lose their strength and form, they are much less effective at cleaning your mouth from food and bacteria.
There is also a chance of mold growing in the bristles themselves which makes them quite unsanitary.
4. Forget about sugary drinks

Source: Delas
If you are constantly having some kind of problems with your teeth, your hygiene habits might not be the problem. You might be flossing and brushing every day, but you are still ending up with issues. This means that the culprit is something completely different. Usually, that culprit is just sugary drinks.
Juices, soda drinks, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Sprite, Fanta, and everything else in that category is filled with too much sugar. In just one can of a sugary drink, there is more than 50 g of sugar. And sugar is the number one enemy for your smile.
So, if you really want a white and a beautiful smile, I suggest that you forget about sugary drinks for at least a few months. Let your teeth heal and recover during those few months. Although, I would not recommend going back to your old habit of drinking sugary stuff. Although, once or twice in a few weeks is not going to hurt you.
5. Try healthy food

Source: dlife
If sugary drinks can have such a large impact on the health of your teeth, it makes sense that food can also have a large impact. And it does. A lot of experts and dentists always recommend switching to healthier food for those that want a whiter smile.
Try cutting down on foods that are full of carbohydrates. Usually, because carbs can easily get stuck in between your teeth. To avoid that, I suggest cutting down on carbs and rely more on vegetables, fruits, and other foods that are rich in vitamins. You could also try implementing nuts into your diet.
While implementing fruits and veggies, I would also recommend avoiding stuff such as chips, salty snacks, and other similar foods.
There are probably a few other tips I could give you, but I believe that these five secrets I mentioned are probably the best ones for maintaining a healthy and beautiful smile.