Everyone knows that losing weight is not an easy dance. There are plenty of diets, meals and sport routines but still, there are many people who fail losing weight. Eating right is essential for weight loss and there is no denying that once you’ve started eating healthy and nutritious meals without cheating, you’ll achieve your much-wanted weight. However, an essential part of losing weight is also rewarding your body with the right amount of nutrients at the right time daily. A proper meal is very important because you won’t start losing weight just by starving yourself. Everything starts with the bad habits that everyone has more or less. If you’ve decided to lose weight, consider replacing your bad habits with good habits, make some changes in your life and daily routines, invest some time in finding a correct diet that fits your taste and needs. Stop wasting your nights, have a proper schedule for anything. Once you’ve developed the right mind-set for your task you will start to see some changes. If you’ve decided to make some changes in your lifestyle, especially if you want to lose weight, you should consider avoiding the following mistakes:
1. You don’t calculate your food intake
We know that having an agglomerated routine won’t permit you to calculate your daily meals, what and how much you’ve eaten. It’s very common for many people to feel that they are not losing weight fast enough, regardless of how much they try to stick with a certain diet. Weight, in general, is influenced by various things such as how much food remains in your system and fluid fluctuations. Weight can vary by up to 4 lbs. (1.8 kg) over a day, but it depends very much on how much liquid and food you’ve consumed. For women, there can be a big difference while hormonal changes and estrogen lead to increased water retention, which can be mirrored in scale weight. There are various ways to calculate your food intake and water intake, so make sure you invest in a worthy scale or you use gigacalculator.com to calculate your calorie intake per day and smartly keep your weight stable. This should not be a difficult task as long as you are determined to make some changes in your lifestyle.
2. Not Exercising Enough
When you start losing weight, you’ll inevitably lose some fat as well as muscle mass. As you know, your daily routine should contain a healthy set of workouts. It’s important to maintain an active life if you want to lose weight because just keeping up with your diet won’t be enough. Your workout routine will help you boost fat loss, minimize the amount of lean mass you lose and will keep your metabolism from slowing down. You should consider having an active life, or practicing a favorite sport if you want your task to be accomplished. Sport not only will help you to lose weight but it will also liberate your mind and soul after any rough day. Also, you should consider practicing yoga to find your bliss and lose those extra pounds. An amazing way to recreate and tone your body is through yoga. There are plenty of celebrities who already practice this sophisticated mind-body exercise to maintain their weight but also stay fit. Jennifer Aniston, Liv Tyler and Madonna are known to enjoy and even recommend yoga for women who are still looking for activities that maintain their body and mind healthy.
3. Having Unrealistic Expectations
Your goal of losing weight should keep you motivated enough to maintain an easy process, but having unrealistic expectations may be downing for your task. You should adjust your belief according to your energy and set some modest goals. Have realistic expectations so you don’t get discouraged after just two weeks of healthy diet and workouts. This will help you avoid frustration so you can increase your chances to lose weight.
4. Not Eating Enough Fiber
This might compromise your weight loss efforts. Studies have found that a diet rich in fibre forms a gel that holds water and also reduces appetite. Studies have shown that a soluble fibre known as viscous fibre reduces appetite and calorie intake more than other types of fiber. Make sure that once or twice per week you spoil yourself with a tasty beef steak. This amazing and tasty dish will give you a great amount of energy and will keep you full the entire day.
5. Eating healthy doesn’t cost you more money
Eating healthy is way cheaper and tastier than you think. While fast-food makes the entire process of buying food much easier for busy people, it’s not good for you in the long run. You should learn how to invest in your food if you want to lose weight. If you want to avoid spending your money on future medical bills, you should learn about what real food means. Grab your bag and next time you shop, plan some dishes and experiment cooking at home. Rather than buying French fries, chop the potato and drizzle it with pepper salt or olive oil. This is much cheaper and will offer you a tasty meal with a lower calorie. Home-made food is rewarding and healthy and you should try.
6. Keeping up with the same old habits
Many people consider skipping meals equates to fewer calories consumed. That’s not right because skipping meals will make you increase your portions in the next day. Studies have shown that individuals who eat regularly and take their breakfast on time weigh less than those who skip their meals. Many create a habit of skipping meals, which will eventually lead to health complications and their efforts in losing weight are futile. Creating a healthy routine with healthy habits like exercising weekly and taking the necessary intake of proteins and sleep will give your most expected results. People often underestimate the power that habits have upon us and how much these could change your life. Our whole life is, in general, the result of our habits, so changing habits can help you change the entire lifestyle.
If you have already decided to lose weight consider some small changes in your diet and lifestyle should ease your process and increase your chances to look better. People that have a more organized life, tend to be much happier and healthier. Everything starts from your mind. If your mind is healthy, so is your body.