Nothing is stopping these guys
Almost every guy watches adult films… not to mention a lot of women, too! It’s nothing to be embarrassed about. Pleasuring yourself is completely natural and even encouraged by doctors. But for most people, it’s something reserved for alone time.
You jerk off at home, right? Maybe for some of you, at work. But I imagine you like your privacy. Not these guys!
They probably don’t have a gadget to watch internet with, so they have to make their private time a little more public. Apparently, they don’t care that you — and maybe dozens of other people — know about their tastes in XXX flicks. From libraries to public transportation, when you get that tingle in your crotch, you gotta check out some T & A, or even some D. Although these fellas don’t have their junk out, they just NEED to see some hot naked bodies RIGHT NOW and nothing is stopping them!
Put on Blast
The sheer look of fear this guy’s eyes is amazing.
All by myself?

Source: ebaumsworld
I wonder if he found an empty classroom or just stayed after class. Why not just go to the bathroom?!
Head of the Class
What makes this one great is that the guy taking the photo is the one watching the porn. That’s not the teacher, is it?! What kind of sexy school is this?!
Too old to give af

Source: ebaumsworld
Curious as to why he picked a cubicle with a small monitor instead of one of those giant Apple ones. I guess he’s being “discreet” at the library.
It’s “art,” though
Now this guy has some refined taste. It looks tasteful, being in black and white. And there’s romantic kissing. I would give this guy a buy.
Professor XXX

Source: ebaumsworld
Projecting porn for the class. Is this a women’s studies class or sex ed?
Worst Christmas Ever
Best parents ever.
Sharing with your family

Source: ebaumsworld
What were they watching before? How long was the porno on for? Did they tell him right away or let him finish? So many questions.
Current Periodicals
I can’t help but think of a story starting out: “Well back in my day, porn was…”

Source: ebaumsworld
If you are one of those rare people who are not familiar with hentai, it literally translates to “pervert.” But it means porno anime and manga. It’s quiet a huge market and they can do some effed up stuff in them. They are definitly NSFW.
1. It’s just nips. It’s not like it’s DVDA (NSFW Google term).
2. Black and white copier?
3. Did they print out two of the same ones?
4. Is that a ketchup bottle in the photograph?
Please Rise

Source: ebaumsworld
Wait. Is this guy in court?!
On the Move
I wonder if that’s his wife. I appreciate he has his headphones in. But why doesn’t he rotate his phone horizontally?!
Cram it In

Source: ebaumsworld
This library is PACKED. I just don’t understand doing this. I mean, I get maybe you don’t have a computer or tablet at home. But are you gonna watch all these dirty films, then go home and spank it? Library bathroom?!
Sorry, Officer
This guy was apparently warned earlier by this cop. Not even the law can stop his raging hard on.
Live Action

Source: ebaumsworld
Seems like he’s watching a cam girl do her thing. Since laptops and tablets are less than $200 now, we’ll be seeing less perverts at our locals libraries.
Mr. Burns here got dressed up in a suit to the the Apple store so he use the computer to look up call girls? Good luck to you, sir!
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Original by Chewy Boese