Innovation happens every year in many ways, and the Product of the Year USA is an organization that goes out of its way to highlight some of those products for the world to see. The following are five of the most interesting products of the year that you may want to keep an eye out for.
1. Pancake on the Go

Source: Fortune
Most people have heard of Aunt Jemima. All you need to do is walk down the baking aisle, and you’ll see Aunt Jemima products all over the place. You’ll see mixes and syrups that you can take back home so that you can make some pancakes.
The problem is that today’s society is a little too busy for pancakes. Sometimes, a person can only enjoy this delicious breakfast on the weekend when they have time to sleep in without worrying about work or school. It seems like this company was aware of this problem and began to cook something up for this group of people.
The answer is Pancake on the Go. This is a new product that only requires you to add some water to a microwave-safe cup and pop it in the microwave. You can take this cup anywhere you go, like to your job or school. Once the pancake is done cooking, all you have to do is open up your microwave and enjoy it like you would a pancake at home.

Source: Green Valley Nation
One of the biggest names in the CBD industry is cbdMD. This company has formulated a superior nighttime aid in CBD PM. cbdMD is addressing the fact that poor sleep in this country is far too common.
This is a real concern that has to be addressed because sleep is important to people’s health. Sleep helps regulate mood; it helps people be more productive. It helps the body heal, improves immunity, and it even optimizes life expectancy. CBD PM, which is a hemp-derived CBD product.
It’s important to point out that it is a hemp-derived product because this is legal in states where marijuana is illegal. The reason this product is so innovative is that it contains melatonin. For those who don’t know, melatonin is a neurotransmitter that is released to help you sleep, so having this ingredient could help you get you to sleep.
3. Veggieful Bowls

Source: Trend Hunter
Del Monte is a company known for its canned fruit. It has survived a long time, and it is doing so because the company is willing to evolve. This company has just decided to take a step forward by creating Veggieful Bowls. The reason this is an exciting product is that these bowls contain various vegetables that have been perfectly seasoned just for you.
The bowl can be taken wherever you go and heated up in a microwave. This means you can continue eating a vegetable-rich diet even on the go, which can be difficult sometimes. Keep in mind that for many working people or those who go to school, access to good food is a little difficult. Even if there are a few good vegan or vegetarian restaurants nearby, you may not have enough time to get to these places and get back to the tasks at hand.
Some individuals only have access to vending machines. These types of machines usually only have heavily processed foods that are not good if you are trying to stay as healthy as possible. Thankfully, you’ve got a tried and true company like Del Monte introducing this new vegetable-rich product.
4. Omnipod Insulin Management

Source: Continuum Innovation
Omnipod DASH System’s goal has always been to try to find ways to make the life of the people living with diabetes a little better. The good thing is that this company has invested in the right people and dedicated itself to finding a way to solve problems.
The reason this company was mentioned by this organization was that it created the Omnipod Insulin Management system, which can be worn discreetly wherever your insulin is administered. The system is used by a smart device that helps you monitor your insulin intake, dosages, and much more. You are going to be able to administer insulin whenever you need it by simply pressing a few buttons on your phone.
You won’t have to handle a needle since the system has been set up for your convenience. Since all information regarding your insulin dosages and levels is recorded by your device, you’ll be able to share this information with your doctor with no problems at all. It is virtually impossible for a person to record detailed information on his or her own, which shows you how special this product really is.
5. Earth Grown Meatless Meatballs

Source: Spoon University
The vegan and vegetarian lifestyles have gone mainstream. Even folks who eat meat are willing to give meatless food products a chance every so often to have a well-balanced diet.
It seems like many companies are catching on and are creating products that people want, such as the Earth Grown Meatless Meatballs. This product was introduced thanks to Aldi and Earth Grown. Everyone loves a few meatballs in their pasta or sandwiches, and now you can feel more comfortable knowing that your meatballs are mostly made with herbs and soy products.
If you try to make these meatballs at home, it will take you a considerable amount of time, but Aldi has made things much easier for you. People don’t have much time to spend in the kitchen and even if they did, most people prefer simplicity, which is the reason this product made it on the list.
These are some interesting products of the year, but there are many more to look for if you go through this year’s list. It’s not easy to predict which products will stand the test of time and which won’t, but it’s exciting to see how businesses and manufacturers continue to innovate products that will not only delight customers but offer solutions in increasingly creative ways.