Sapphire is one of the valuable stones that people sought after. It is valuable and in demand because of its rarity and beautiful colors. However, not all colors are of the same value. The price of the sapphire differs with its color and cut. So if you want to have your hands on the most valuable color, you need to know more about them.
The most valuable one
The one sapphire that holds the highest value is the Kashmir variant. It is blue in color and looks stunning. Therefore, it is high in demand as it attracts attention in an instant. In addition to this, this Kashmir variant is also commonly known as the Sapphire. So if people look at it, they will know it’s a Sapphire. However, not everyone knows about the other colors. Therefore, you will be telling everyone about it.
So whether you want to show off or not, you can get the stone of your choice. You can buy it from They have a wide variety of colors available that you can get. Furthermore, they are purely Australian stones that hold great value.
Also, they are touched and cut by skilled gem cutters. Thus, you will be able to get timeless and one-of-a-kind masterpieces. They have a beautiful collection of rings, ear studs, and necklaces. So you can get whatever you want.

Different types of blue sapphires
Blue sapphire has got a prime position in engagement rings. Furthermore, it is further divided into different colors and types. This division is because of its area of mining. The Kashmir variant has its value and the Sri Lankan variant has its own beauty. Likewise, different regions produce different types of blue sapphires. So let’s have a look at them,
1. Cornflower blue
Cornflower shade is the brightest and truest medium blue color. Because of its purity of color, it has a high demand and value among all others.
2. Ceylon
Ceylon got its name from Sri Lanka, which is its country of origin. Sri Lanka was previously known as Ceylon. This sapphire does not have a single blue shade but a range. Therefore, they are known to be the finest ones in this family.

3. Teal
Teal is also quite an attractive shade of blue that exhibits a blue-green color change (pleochroism). In addition to this, teal contains more iron than others and that’s what makes it different from others. Thus, it gets more like a greener shade of blue.
4. Ice blue
Ice blue is the least valuable one among all the blue ones. They are a bit pale and have a frosty appearance and that’s why they have the name ice-blue. However, it still has a demand, and people who would like a hint of blue would love this shade.
The rarest one
Although the blue sapphire holds the highest value, it is not the rarest one. This award goes to Padparadscha, which is the rarest pink and orange stone that looks mesmerizing.
Furthermore, it might not be the most expensive one but it is just right around it. Therefore, if you are looking for the most valuable one, this would be a good choice too.
Besides its unique color, the uniqueness of the beautiful cuts makes it the rarest. You won’t find any two padparadscha stones that look similar. Therefore, it is difficult to name them. However, this is something that makes it interesting and makes you want them.
This stone is also mined in Sri Lanka and in their Sinhalese language, Padparadscha means “lotus flower”.

Some other colors
White sapphires
White sapphires do not have any color thus, it has no trace elements. In terms of rarity, white sapphire is at the top. Furthermore, it has a similar look to a diamond but at a low price. Thus, it can be a replacement for a diamond ring. So if someone cannot afford a diamond ring, you can go for this alternative.
The difference between the two is clarity but it is not much visible. So if someone is not a jeweler, it would be very hard to recognize the difference.
Pink Sapphire
You can also call them red ones. You might think that pink sapphire and ruby would be hard to distinguish. But this is not the reality, the two are different from each other. Previously, it was also known as the rarest sapphires but it is not now. This is because of the discovery of huge deposits found in Madagascar.
The pink shades that you will find in the market range from pastel to hot pink. You can get the one that you like but hot pink is the one on trend because of its attractive color. In addition to this, they are sought for making jewelry pieces and therefore, are high in demand.

Orange sapphire
Orange is the color that is not high in demand however, it is a rare and desirable stone. Jewelers use it for making necklaces, rings, and even ear studs. The color of this stone comes from the presence of iron and chromium. Chromium gives it the reddish color and yellow comes from iron. Thus, the beautiful and bold orange one appears.
Yellow Sapphire
And if you want a lighter color, go for yellow. It has a bright canary yellow color which is unique in itself. The range of shades goes from pale yellow to a brighter one. Plus, some jewelers also heat-treat the pale yellow ones to make them colorless. Furthermore, they are also often mistaken with oriental topaz; however, the value of yellow sapphire is higher.

Green Sapphire
Another beautiful color is green which symbolizes trust. You will find it in minty to dark green shades. So you will have a beautiful range to choose from. You can get them as an emerald alternative. However, there won’t be any need for that because both these stones are of the same value.