Electricians have started to use all kinds of software during their daily jobs to improve their efficiency and here is the reason why.
Being an electrician requires a lot of expertise, focus, and concentration because even the smallest mistakes can lead to a serious injury. It is a known fact that working with electricity is very dangerous, especially if not wearing the right equipment. Fortunately, working with wires and other electrical parts has become a bit safer because there has been a lot of improvement in the protective equipment. Even with this improved equipment, you still need to be wary and prepared that anything might happen.
Humans are not perfect and they often make mistakes. They make even more mistakes when they are not focused and when thinking about multiple things at the same time. Electricians have to constantly problem solve and calculate a bunch of stuff while working with wires or other dangerous equipment. To solve this problem, they started writing down on paper all of the information they need to track. Calculators are also one of the tools that can always be found in an electrician’s pocket.
However, is this really the best solution for this kind of problem? No, of course not. Considering the advancement we have had in devices such as tablets and smartphones, no one should rely on paper anymore. It is fragile and it can be a fire hazard too, especially when working close to electricity.
The easiest way an electrician can improve his/her productivity and efficiency is to start digitizing and modernizing their way of work. There are tons of applications and software out there that can help them keep track of their scheduling, calculations, and a bunch of other things. If you want to modernize your business, here are some of the must-have apps in 2024.
MER or Master Electrician Reference

Source: mhelpdesk
One of the best apps you can download on your phone right now to help you with your job is MER. It is one of the most commonly used by engineers or mechanics around the world because it has been carefully developed to assist workers in this industry.
It is basically a handbook or manual for all kinds of expertise. It is filled with information, images, formulas, and charts about various techniques. When an electrician finds himself in a complicated situation with a problem without a solution, this manual will be very useful. Instead of having to list through that huge book, that you got from your company to find the information, you can use MER and find what you need in just a couple of seconds.
It is also equipped with a calculator too, so you won’t have to switch through applications whenever you want to calculate something.

Source: octalsoftware
Being an electrician is not just about understanding all there is to electricity and calculating the right formulas. It is also about building your own brand and running your business properly. Even if you were the best at what you do in the entire country, without good marketing and reliability, you won’t have any customers at all.
Fortunately, there is software that will help you with that too. Servgrow can be used to streamline your operations and to grow your online presence. You can even use this application to integrate all of your payments and invoices. You won’t ever have to worry about slow transactions. From here on out, you will be getting your money faster than ever.
Servgrow gives you access to a chat system with hundreds of other electricians that can help you grow your business.
Ugly’s Electrical References

Source: freshbooks
Ugly’s guides, books, and manuals have been a great source of information for many electricians around the world. They come with everything you need to know to become successful. Even if you are a master of your profession, there are still some things you might remind yourself of with these books.
However, we already mentioned that listing through huge books and manuals is not practical at all. Fortunately, Ugly’s has finally made an application for both Android and iOS phones. With just the press of a button, you get access to all kinds of electrical references and tools. It also comes with a calculator equipped which is always a bonus.
It is also worth mentioning that Ugly’s releases frequent updates for free which means you won’t have to be spending any extra cash in the future for a newer application.
As an electrician, you know that having the right tools is essential to getting the job done right. That’s why we’ve put together this list that can help you with everything from 10 AWG wire to troubleshooting electrical issues.

Source: freshbooks
A modern-day circuit is equipped with all kinds of transistors, capacitors, resistors, and inductors. Figuring out how to set up a complicated circuit has never been easy and the only way to come to the right solution and alignment of the circuit usually leads to blowing a fuse. But, why should you set up a complicated circuit only to be met with failure?
With EveryCircuit, you can do all of that digitally. You get to set up any kind of circuit you want in just a couple of minutes and then figure out the outcome of the situation. You can constantly upgrade the circuit until you come to the version that will finally work.
This app has a great user interface because it has a drag and drop system that works flawlessly which is why we believe it deserves a spot on this list of the must-have apps in 2024.
ElectroDroid Pro or Lite

Source: irishtimes
While having instant access manuals such as Ugly’s or MER is always great, they can still become a hassle to handle. Not everyone has the time to read through pages and pages of information. Sometimes, you just need to find what you are looking for in just a couple of seconds.
ElectroDroid does exactly that. It is filled with all kinds of illustrations and pictures to help you find resistor ratios, color codes, capacitor codes, etc. It can also be used to calculate power and to convert frequency. It is very easy to use, which is something that every electrician needs.
All of these applications are a great option for electricians and there is nothing wrong with installing all of them on your phone. The more information you have, the better, right?