Congratulations – you have just achieved a unique feat of the human existence: you’ve brought a new life into this world! Becoming a mother is one of the most amazing experiences possible, and almost everyone experiences a love so deep and different from any other with their new baby. And soon, every waking moment becomes all about ensuring that your bundle of joy has all of its needs met in every way.
However, making sure that you as the mother is cared for is very important, as well. Your needs are just as important as those of your baby, and in some ways even more so – because you can’t adequately care for your tiny new life if you are feeling depleted, exhausted, and unsupported.
These days, there are so many natural methods for discovering what your unique body-mind combination needs to feel nourished and centered. CBD, also known as hemp extract, is an amazing new product on the natural market that offers gentle effects and long-ranging benefits. You can select CBD products in the form of infused salves, oils, and food products – all of which can offer different benefits such as supporting relaxation, reducing inflammation, and improving digestion. Finding a proprietor like Carolina Hemp Company, which ensures only the finest growing conditions and ingredients for their CBD products, can help create the most beneficial stress-relief and wellness experience for you.
Making time for a yoga and mindfulness practice can also reap enormous benefits for your body, mind, and spirit. Many mothers feel stressed around re-identifying their personal passions after transitioning into motherhood, and one of the best ways to do so ifs to set aside time to connect with the self.
There are so many yoga styles available and accessible online, from Youtube videos that promote restoration and relaxation, to apps that help you move through powerful Kundalini postures. Everyone needs a different kind of care, and discovering what works best for you is beyond worth it – for you and your baby.
You can also find yoga practices that incorporate your baby into your practice! Mommy and Me postpartum yoga classes can promote even deeper bonding between you and your little one. If you or your baby are experiencing inflammatory skin responses to the transition, or maybe indigestion, the deep breathing and gentle movements of yoga can support both of you in releasing stress and anxiety.
Another easy way to reconnect with your deepest self through this transition is to set aside some time to journal every day. This can be a simple log of your thoughts and feelings, or just talking about what you experienced that day. Or, you can find guided meditations for journaling that help you connect more deeply with your thoughts and feelings, your goals, and your dreams.
It can also create a safe space for you to release feelings of frustration, confusion, or even sadness. These feelings are normal. You have just gone through a major transition, after all, and you are not the same person you were! But, with a little effort and care, you can nurture and get to know this newest version of you just as deeply as you knew who you were before becoming a mother.
Essential oils can be a wonderful addition to your daily life when you’re looking to boost wellness and create a positive environment for healing, restoring, and growing together with your little ones. Though Clary Sage is best avoided during pregnancy, it can help boost oxytocin in the brain and can be very helpful for postpartum blues. Lavender is always an excellent choice for relaxation, and Peppermint can help energize you and clear your mind after a difficult night of sleep.
If you choose to invest in a diffuser, you can fill your entire home with the beneficial scents and properties of your chosen essential oils. But, just putting a drop or two on your wrists and feet and be an excellent way to ring the benefits of the essential oil directly into your limbic system – and since the limbic system is closely connected to your emotional centers, you will quickly feel a change in your overall outlook. Essential oils can also help with aches and pains, digestive issues, and overall inflammation as well.
As we all know, sunshine and fresh air are some of nature’s miracle cures for a wide range of conditions – from anxiety and depression, to chronic muscle aches and pains. Taking some time to sit outside and connect with the earth through your bare feet, or even a gentle walk around the neighborhood, can bring peace and calm to your heart during even the most stressful of days.
Many mothers who enjoy the outdoors transition into hiking and exploring the woods with their little ones! Luckily, knowledge and education around enjoying the outdoors with your infant is becoming more and more mainstream. Parents are tired of feeling confined to their houses – and feel that introducing their little ones to the wonders of nature can reap enormous benefits over time.
Besides making sure to prepare extra clothing and clean-up supplies, packing a healthy and accessible snack can make all the difference between an enjoyable hike and one that gives you a headache. Raisins, veggies, nut butter, raw fruits, and even cheese sticks can be wonderful and easy-to-enjoy snacks on the trail for both you and your little ones. And, don’t forget rain jackets! Rain doesn’t need to be the day-ending phenomenon most people think it is – enjoying the quiet, misty forest during a rainstorm can be an immensely relaxing experience.
As you can see, there is a great deal of support available for you as a new mother. Whether you are finding new ways to put your soul and body nourishment first at home or taking your little one out for an adventure in the woods, it’s so possible to find ways to enjoy every moment of this amazing time in your life. Just remember that you are not alone. Many parents around the world are looking into the same options, and searching for the same things. We know you want to do all you can for the well-being of your new bundle of joy – we just want to make sure you are taking care of yourself, as well.