How many of you want to lose weight? To achieve such a thing and go down to the desired number the scales show, you will need to dedicate to that on a daily basis. And not everyone is successful in losing weight. Sometimes, people would do whatever it takes and then when they see improvement, they would bounce back to the old way of life, which leads to getting back to old habits. And that is never a good idea because you will create a habit, a vicious circle and you will not be able to get out. However, losing weight is not easy.
Real weight loss involves more than willpower. It includes all of our senses. We must break the habits which led to gaining weight, then establish new, healthier ones. These are some odd weight loss tricks that may be able to help.
1. Smell certain foods when you feel hungry.

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If you see apples, bananas, or other favorite foods instead of eating them, you can reduce feelings of hunger by smelling them. Although there isn’t a verified reason why this works, the idea is that the smell of the food makes your brain think that you’re eating it.
2. Eat more at the start of your day
People who eat more calories during breakfast, then fewer calories at dinner, lose more weight than the traditional style of eating. If you’re trying to shed some pounds, try having 700 calories at breakfast, then 500 at lunch, but only 200 at dinner.
3. Hang a mirror in the dining room

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If you see yourself eating, it can make you consume less food at each meal. Your reflection creates a reminder of the standards you’re trying to follow. That makes it easier to remember why you want to lose weight in the first place.
4. Take pictures of your food
Think of this idea as a visual food diary. By seeing what is in your food, it becomes easier to know what you should or shouldn’t eat. You’re given another moment to stop and think before choosing something that might not be healthy.
5. Use wrapped candies for sweets

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You will eat less candy if it must be unwrapped before eating it.
Losing weight means a few lifestyle changes may need to happen. Although these ideas might seem odd, they’re also proven to work. Use them with your diet and exercise changes to find the success you want. For more odd weight loss tips check out The Fat Decimator System by ex-US Marine Kyle Cooper.