If you think that being pregnant over the holidays is the worst, you might want to reconsider that. Certainly, feeling aches and pains when everyone around you is merry and jolly is not a bed-of-roses situation. However, according to the EasyToBeMom contributors, with a smart approach, as well as some knowledge of your body and pregnancy stages, you can even have some fun while being pregnant on your birthday or over the holidays…
Yes, it’s challenging to imagine the holidays without a glass of amazing rosé in your hand while rocking your fabulous party outfit and enjoying every bite of your favorite party snacks. Obviously, now that you’re preggers, rosé is out of the question, the outfit doesn’t quite fit, and some of the festive foods you used to love so much make you want to throw up.
Not sure if you’re going to survive the holiday season while pregnant? No worries. Just because you’re going through your occasionally ‘bumpy’ pregnancy stages doesn’t mean you have to miss out on all the festive fun ahead. We’ve got some laid-back mom-to-be tips and tweaks that will actually help you enjoy all sorts of parties while expecting a new baby. Read on and learn how to have a blast on your upcoming pregnant celebrations.
Eat, Drink, and Be Merry

Source: AdobeStock
Moderate eating is the key to enjoying the festive food if you’re pregnant during the holidays. This means you will have to resist the temptation to nibble on your favorite salmon canapé and turn down the bubbly, but there are other yummies you can indulge in guilt-free — and with balance in mind. Protein-rich turkey, your favorite veggies, gingerbread cookies, and some nutty nibbles — those are just a few healthy treats that may easily get you into the uplifted pregnant Christmas spirit.
Avoid Cocktails. Try Mocktails

Source: AdobeStock
Refusing from alcohol might not be the best part of your pregnant-during-the-holidays diet plan. So do whatever’s in your power to make this unfortunate element of your holiday season as little of a barrier as possible. Seek support from your loved ones, ask them to cut down with you. This shouldn’t be too much of a problem now that there are plenty of excellent alcohol-free cocktails on the scene. Try a non-alcoholic sparkle in a fancy cocktail glass. That way, you will fake it till you make it and eventually get the feel of your favorite party booze without having to suffer from hangover in the morning.
Slow Down and Relax

Source: Bellefit
Don’t wear yourself out speeding through the season. Find your most comfortable pace. Take pleasure in buying gifts, getting them wrapped, and perhaps baking some biscuits. Taking care of yourself is your top priority now, so make sure you let everyone know that crazy parties and marathon shopping sessions are put on long hold this year. Needless to say that keeping your pregnancy as stress-free as possible is paramount.
Make Yourself a Priority

Source: Depositphotos
Focus on yourself this holiday season, especially if you’re a first-time mom-to-be. Because pretty soon things will start revolving around your one and only little bundle of joy… Find ways to engage in what makes you happy. Cuddle on the couch with your husband, watch your all-time-favorite comedies, read your favorite blogs, get together with your besties, bake cookies with your Mom, and sleep as much as you want. Don’t forget that it’s a holiday, so pampering yourself is a must.
Delegate Like a Pro

Source: Creadimm
If you’ve been rather run down lately, now’s the time to start accepting help from your family and friends. Ask your friends to bring something delish to dinner, let your hubby know you need his help around the house, and allow your girlfriends to be as supportive as they want to be. Looking after yourself is a must these days. You’re growing a little human in there, remember?
5 Great Ways to Celebrate Your Birthday While Pregnant

Source: AdobeStock
So, this year you’re celebrating your birthday with a cake and a bun. You must be thinking of all the party fun you’re letting pass you by. No loud parties, no alcohol, no wild dance moves… However, just because you’re expecting a baby doesn’t mean you cannot expect to have your kind of fun when pregnant on your birthday.
Here are 5 great ways to have fun on your birthday while pregnant:
1. Spa indulgence

Source: Deevari Spa
Treat yourself to a day-long spa session, ask for prenatal massages, and enjoy blissful relaxation.
2. Traditional date night

Source: AdobeStock
Just the two of you, a delish dinner, and a good movie… That sounds like a perfect night. So why don’t you just make the most of the idea and use it to celebrate your pregnant birthday!
3. Nail salon

Source: AdobeStock
Your nails are probably the last thing on your mind these days. Change that by focusing on yourself and have some grooming done at your favorite nail salon. You will feel awesome after that.
4. Shopify your birthday mood

Source: StemExpress Foundation
Yes, you’re currently concentrated on buying stuff for your baby, but make a pause for one day and buy something nice for yourself. Lift your birthday mood by purchasing something you like!
5. Party your way

Source: Shutterstock
If you really want to, you can still have a party on your birthday. Invite your family and friends over, have them bring your favorite desserts, and have a blast laughing your bump over those mocktails!
Pamper your pregnant self on your birthday. Do whatever feels fun for you, buy whatever uplifts your spirit, spend the day with people you love. And don’t forget to take the time to sit back and relax — your baby will definitely thank you for that.
Cutting to the Chase: You, Yourself, and the Bump
Don’t be afraid to say no whenever someone invites you to a social gathering you’re reluctant to attend. You’re a pregnant woman, so no one will hold it against you. Last but not least, make sure you know who to call if something about your pregnancy worries you during the holiday season. If you’ve been pregnant on your birthday or over the holidays before, feel free to share your survival tips and hacks in the comment box below. Your feedback is very important.