Problematic skin can come in many shapes and sizes. For some, their problems stem from changes in their body due to childbirth, and for others, their problematic skin is due to a skin condition that they’re suffering with for one reason or another. There are many ways to treat the skin, and one of the most popular ways of doing so is using prescribed medication from your GP. While these may work, the effects are often temporary which can take you back to square one.
Lately, in the media, there’s been a lot of talk about natural ways of treating problematic skin. This is often known as homeopathic remedies, and there’s a rather large stigma against this kind of treatment. This is because of the ‘lack of testing’ on the ingredients used. However, shouldn’t natural ingredients be better for the skin rather than human-made products? Today, we’re going to explore a few examples of why you should consider natural ingredients to treat your problematic skin so if you’re interested in this route of treatment, check it out!
Photo by Sarah Comeau on Unsplash
Damaged skin due to weight gain, weight loss, surgery, or pregnancy
Over the course of a lifetime, our skin goes through a lot. We grow, gain or lose weight, possibly undergo surgery and for many women, endure pregnancy and childbirth. This causes many changes to the skin which quite frankly, can leave anyone feeling self-conscious. You’ve probably seen a tonne of solutions for loose or unsightly skin, but these products do not contain entirely natural ingredients. offer a range of purely natural products that can indeed, help tighten, lighten, and improve the general feel and appearance of your problematic skin. This includes stretch marks, cellulite, and even helping to restore your intimate areas after childbirth.
It’s also important to remember that to maintain healthy skin you should be looking at your lifestyle too. It’s not just the products you’re using on your body that will make a difference to how it appears. Here are few tips on how to treat your body the same on the inside as you are on the outside:
- Drink enough water! Water is the easiest natural source to obtain, and it helps your skin keep its elasticity, prevents it from becoming dry, and also helps flush out toxins from your body that could cause a breakout on your skin. Aim for the recommended 2 liters a day to help keep your skin looking radiant among many other health benefits.
- Avoiding junk food and eating fresh ingredients will help your body obtain the nutrients it needs. Not only that, the benefits will show in the way your skin appears. Eating healthier and cutting out food that’s bad for you will certainly make your skin appear much healthier.
- Quitting smoking and alcohol has more than one health benefit. We don’t need to lecture you on why either of them can harm your body, but did you know that both smoking and drink ages the skin much faster than someone who does neither? If saggy or wrinkled skin is something that’s getting you down, giving up alcohol and cigarettes will help slow down the aging process and improve your skin more than you think!

Source: laroche-posay
Problematic skin due to a skin condition
Skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, and acne all stem from inside of the body. What you’re putting into your body greatly affects how your skin will appear, and if you’re suffering from a skin condition, it might be time to begin looking at changes to make in your life.
Many people are turning to CBD oil (Cannabidiol) these days to help cure their skin conditions. For people that are suffering from conditions such as psoriasis, CBD oil helps treat it by rebalancing the immune system which is where the disease starts from. Many people are also worried about trying CBD oil because of its origin, Cannabis. It’s important to remember that CBD oil will not give you the ‘high’ and that it can have an incredible healing impact on your skin.
Finally, when treating a skin condition, you should also look again, at what you’re putting into your body. Refer back to the advice above for a place to start when it comes to alleviating symptoms of your skin condition. You should also consider looking into the process of elimination in case your skin is reacting to a food or substance your body doesn’t agree with.
As you can see, natural solutions such as using all natural products, CBD oil, and changing your lifestyle can have a massive impact on your problematic skin!