- Gawker Media has responded to a copyright infringement lawsuit in the amount of $1 million filed by “Grey’s Anatomy” star Eric Dane and his actress wife Rebecca Gayheart for the website’s posting of a video of the pair socializing naked with Kari Ann Peniche, a former beauty queen. The website is taking issue with the amount of money the couple is seeking. [THR, esq.]

Source: NY Daily News
- Elton John has an E. coli bacterial infection and the flu and is staying at a London hospital. [NY Post] — He wouldn’t be in this mess if he had a Zadro Nano Wand UV Disinfection Scanner.
- Jessica Simpson used to promote her sister Ashlee on “Melrose Place” via Twitter, but now that Ashlee has been canned, Jess says the soap is crap anyway. [Us Weekly] — I have to agree with you on this one, Jess.

Source: NBC Chicago
- Pearl Jam appeared in Devo costumes for a Philadelphia performance. [F-Listed]
- First Cartman did it, now Christopher Walken performs Lady Gaga’s “Poker Face” in a way only he can. [College Humor]
- The Vatican announced Saturday that married Anglican priests will be admitted to the Catholic priesthood on a case-by-case basis, as more disillusioned conservative Anglicans are converting to Catholicism. [USA Today]
- Vote for your favorite TV girlfriend on Bullz-Eye. [Bullz-Eye] — Um, where is Jessica from “True Blood“? I guess biting Hoyt’s mother got her eliminated from the contest.
- Instead of following these five bad fad diets, why not take these fad-free tips for healthy weight loss? [Shine]
Original by: Annika Harris