DIY Karma
Most of us have been cheated on, whether we’ve known it or not. If you do find out, your heart literally hurts plus sad thoughts and emotions swirl around nonstop. Finding out you’ve been cheated on is a breach of love, trust, and communication that come with little to no warning.
Some of us scream, some curl up and cry, but other people want vengeance. You may feel like getting violent, but you don’t want to end up in jail, do you? So what can you do to give a big “F*** YOU!” to you ex and have it actually get through their selfish, traitorous heads? That’s when we look to pranks. Not the cutesy office type ones… The ones that really mess with them so they know not to mess with you ever again.
Looking to truly upset someone off who did you wrong? These Redditors have some ingenious ideas of getting back at that ex.

Credit: vchal/Shutterstock
She a ho

Credit: argo74/Shutterstock
Went to her apartment and pretended nothing was wrong. F***ed her in the ass, came in her mouth, got dressed and threw forty dollars on the bed. Called her a whore and never spoke to her again. (friedjumboshrimp)
Ham Fisted

Credit: gosphotodesign/Shutterstock
I hid ham in his car. He didn’t notice until summer kicked in, and by then the car smelled so foul that he probably never got the smell out. I also broke into his dorm room and poured a bucket of wood chips in his bed. They were the really small, slivery kind. F*** him. (Caoranach)
A Long Con

Credit: Antonio Guillem/Shutterstock
Long-term, 10 years, long-distance relationship. She calls me up and breaks up with me on 2017 New Years eve. I was fuckin devastated. Then I lost my job a few months later.
One year after we broke up, she calls and says she’s sorry and wants to get back together. Though quite bitter, I soften up and let her speak. A few months later we are engaged. We meet up and spend some quality time together and with her family. She was so happy. After returning home, I told her never to contact me again.
Feels so good (margamargamarga42)
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Original by Chewy Boese