A recent study has concluded that, believe or not, people enjoy having sex more than using Facebook! Crazy, I know.
The frightening news for our collective sex lives, though, is researchers did not always believe this to be so: a University of Chicago study was released in October suggesting that people are just as enticed to check their Facebook and Twitter accounts as they are to get it on.Â
While Facebook is an awesome platform to stalk people you wish you could have sex with, the new study from the University of Canterbury in New Zealand found that sexual pleasure ranked first in three different categories they studied: pleasure, engagement and meaning. Of the 173 people in the small study, which examined 30 common activities, drinking alcohol and volunteering followed close behind nookie (and partying!). Checking Facebook was sandwiched between undesirable activities like recovering from illness and housework.

Source: Business Insider
Sorry, Mark Zuckerberg.[Stuff.co.nz]
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