Yes, this just maybe you
It seems that every guy I come across claims to be a master in the bedroom. Of course no one thinks they are bad in the sack, but everyone has come away disappointed at least once.
Of course, women can be awful at it to — we’ve all heard of the dreaded “starfish.”
Yes, no matter your gender, sexy time is always something you can get better at it. There are always tips and tricks out there. Kinks. Toys. I could go on about how to make it better, but I’m here to talk about recognizing when you are crap at it.
So read through and if it any of these resonate with you, it’s time for more practice.

Credit: argo74/Shutterstock
Know Yourself

Credit: oneinchpunch/Shutterstock
If you don’t have some form of sex toy or way to get off on your own, then you need to hold your horses. The first thing you have to do is learn about your body, your vulva, your clit; in other words, you need to know what gets you off if you expect someone else to do it.
Keep it Clean

Credit: kryzhov/Shutterstock
Keep your genitals fresh!
I’ve heard horror stories of toilet paper bits, dingleberries, and even infections.
Those with vaginas, should use a gentle, perfume-free soap when cleaning the outer AND inner labia.
As for those with dongs, I read of a man who refused to wash his butthole in the shower because it was “gay.”
In this age of ass-eating, I like to tell everyone to invest in some some personal wipes.
Body Issues

Credit: Darrin Henry/Shutterstock
Almost every single person is insecure about some part of their body. Most of us aren’t Victoria’s Secret models, but we have to look at them every single day.
I got saddlebags, but eventually I became comfortable enough with myself, my body, and my sexuality that I said, “F*** it.”
Got a gut? Man boobs? Cellulite? Who cares. This person naked with you isn’t looking for your “flaws,” they just wanna go to pound down with your beautiful self!

Credit: Aleksandr Art/Shutterstock
Sex is one of the most natural acts in the world. There should be no reason to be ashamed about having it as long as you aren’t hurting anyone physically or emotionally. Therefore, you should be open to talking about it.
You probably talk about it with your friends, so why shouldn’t you discuss it with your actual partner?
In the Head

Credit: bart78/Shutterstock
If you’re new to sexual adventures, it’s easy (and expected) to be nervous. But if you’ve been going at it for awhile, you shouldn’t be overthinking it too much. Staying in your head leads to hesitations, awkwardness, and keeps you (and thus your partner) from being in the moment.
Communication is Key

Credit: wavebreakmedia/Shutterstock
The secret to any relationship, romantic or not, is talking about s***! Make sure you and your partner consent to be vocal. Maybe she doesn’t like doggy style. Maybe he likes light choking. Talk it out! Plus, being dominant in bed is a major turn-on for a lot of people.
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Original by Chewy Boese