Not so long ago, users were cool with surfing the internet at slow speeds. These days, however, the demands are higher, and as such people want to complete their tasks at a much faster rate. In this day and age, no one really fancies slow networks anymore. We all want to enjoy faster internet networks. Whether you are browsing, chat with friends, download files, send emails or stay up to date with our favorite shows, a faster internet connection is really essential if one is to enjoy all that our digital age has to offer. While there are no doubt plenty of options out there on how to speed up your internet connection, not all of them are quite the answer, and even the few that present a lasting solution often come for top-dollars. So how then can one speed up their internet connection without necessarily breaking the bank? The answer to that isn’t farfetched, and we are now going to show you how you can speed up your net on the cheap, and without having to spend a million hours figuring out how your router works.

Source: Techi Signals
Check with your provider
In a rather explicit term, some internet service providers (ISPs) simply do not have the infrastructural capability to deliver the fastest of networks. And guess what, many of these low-end ISPs even go as far as restricting users’ access to their services – whenever a user reaches his/her data limit – through the aid of what is popularly known as data cap. Like it or not, but when data caps are placed on a not-too-strong network, the resulting internet speeds will no doubt respond sluggishly. In order to beat this situation, you should try shopping around for a high-end internet service provider – like the one you will find on this website ( – that provides a high-speed internet service in the USA. With them, the chances are that you will find favorable high-speed net plans to solve all of your connectivity worries.
Give your router a break
Routers are some of the few electronic devices in our homes that barely go on break. But when you start noticing a sense of sluggishness with your browsing speed, then, it may be time to finally give your exhausted router a break. As a general rule, reset your router every month so as to give it a break and refresh your internet connection. In case your internet setup has a modem with it, you might want to reset that too. If you are experiencing slow internet speeds, it could be as a result of your modem and/or router losing connection with your ISP.

Source: Digital Trends
Change router position
Every piece of your internet puzzle works based on signal reception, and the moment they are no longer in contact with these signals or maybe there is a breach, then, you will undoubtedly start noticing some lags, breaks, and slowness in your internet speed. Repositioning your router is a quick fix, and all it requires is that you simply move the router away from its remote corner to another area with better reception.
Ad-block becomes necessary
Are you suffering from slow internet speeds? Don’t worry. It could be as a result of those endless online advertisements. Everywhere you go in the online world; you are bound to come across ads, from gifs to pictures, info graphics to videos; content providers simply cannot create anything without stuffing them with ads. Well, even if you can turn blind eye to those ads, your connection cannot because it is the one responsible for loading them up in the first place. And guess what; these ads have a rather negative history of slowing down connections. To put an end to this, you can install an ad-blocking plugin into your setup (PCs, smartphones, tablets, or any other relevant gadgets). The plugin will then shut down any data-heavy ad that might want to pop up on your screen, thereby freeing up some much-needed space for your connection.

Source: HDDMag
Go for a streamlined browser
Indeed, we all love to open multiple tabs on our browsers while surfing the internet. Well, while that may not seem calamitous, it could prove detrimental to our browsing speed. You can think that as more like a trade-off between internet speed and multiple page media. Have no fear though; we understand that some tabs are simply too important to be closed even if it means you have to browse at a slower pace. However, there is still a light at the end of the tunnel for you if you find yourself in this situation, and that is turning to a streamlined browser like Opera. In simple terms, browsers like Opera streamlines the data on web pages to give users a faster browsing experience. So instead of closing your much-cherished tabs, you can simply switch to Opera without disturbing your tab ecosystem.