Now, getting pregnant is one of the most beautiful things out there and you should be grateful and lucky if you conceive without a lot of trouble. Still, for those that can’t do it the natural way, there are still options of in vitro fertilization or artificial insemination that are more than good and effective. In the end, the whole point of pregnancy is to have your child as a symbol of love and something that will give you life meaning for the upcoming years.
Although a conception date isn’t that easy to determine you can still come up with an estimate thanks to the conception date calculator. And as you mostly conceive during the time of ovulation finding out when are your fertile days is pretty important as well. Ovulation starts on day 14 or day 15 of a cycle, and it is likely to last for the next 3 days. Still, there have been cases where women got pregnant even 5 or 6 days before ovulation because the sperm can live in a reproduction tract for more than a few days. Let’s take a look at the how to figure out your ovulation days!
About Ovulation
1. So, the for those of you that don’t know ovulation occurs once the egg is released and it is between the day 11 and day 21 depending on the length of your cycle. During this period, your hormones are on the rise and those particularly are triggering the ovaries to open up and release the ovum. Usually, one egg is released during an ovulation cycle, and a woman releases at around 300 eggs during her lifetime. The calculator will be of great benefit if you want to have an estimate of your fertile days.
2. As of the symptoms of ovulation, there are few. First, a woman is more likely to demand intercourse as her hormones are on the rise, and that’s the natural way a body responds to this cycle. Along with that, it is coming that your basal body temperature rises by at least 0.5 to 1 Fahrenheit degrees, and prior to that you can expect a slight crash in the BBT. Also, you can notice changes in the cervical fluid – this fluid usually thickens up and is more white as the ovulation days seem to come. Once the ovulation day comes you will notice a major increase in fluid production, and that is one of the main symptoms that you are in the fertile days. Last but not least and especially if you experience strong ovulations your breasts might be more tender and sensitive to touch. This is again the results of hormones that are raging and produced during this fertile period.

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The Ovulation Calculator
There is not much trouble in using an ovulation calculator. The one asks only for basic info – the first day of your last period and your average cycle length (that is usually 28 days). Using the algorithm the calculator will provide you with an estimated answer when are your fertile days, and by that, you will be able to act in case you want to get pregnant or prevent the same.
Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful things out there, and though those 9 months might be quite a change to your usual lifestyle it is worth it. For that reason, you should know your ovulation days and plan by that. The best way to calculate the same is either by putting it on the paper yourself or using the online calculator that is a much simpler option. Don’t expect a 100% right date because things vary, but this will more than good of an estimate, and along with listening to your body changes you will know when you are fertile!