Fashion is a combination of colors, styles, cuts, fabrics, and accessories. Elections are a combination of voter demographics, electoral promises, manifesto details, and fashion. Yes, in the 2020 American elections, fashion has dictated quite a few notions. Think about it. What do you look for in a potential president? A sense of dependability and accountability. A feeling that they are one of us, that they will be sympathetic to our requirements, that they will be consistent about keeping promises.
While the election policies may determine all this, for the most part, the kind of clothes the candidate is wearing also helps create an impression. According to the website Laguna Pearl, there is a whole lot of psychology that goes into the fashion style of the presidential candidates.
For example, look at the present President. He wants you to feel that he can be trusted and that he is powerful. He chooses a color to reflect that – a deep blue. To match it, he chooses a strong red tie to offset the suit. He is belligerent, but he wants you to think that the fight he’s fighting is for you.

Source: vox
The thing with color is that how we choose to view it depends almost completely on your worldview and life experience. We think bright red lipstick is attention-seeking and not the best of professional shades. Hence the criticism against Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of being too out there and not mature enough. Another woman candidate, Kamala Harris, wears sleek shoes, eschewing almost entirely, the go-to show choice for women- the rather uncomfortable pump. She has been known to wear sneakers too. What better way to show that you know how to get things done? Kamala Harris wears a lot of light colors. It signals a sense of goodness, caring. She wears bold jewelry to balance her clothes. Her striking jewelry, including the pearl necklaces she wears, makes a fashionable impression and signals strength.
In contrast is Elizabeth Warren, whose color choice is bright. Could it be the age that allows her to make these bold choices? Hoodies, jackets, loose-fitting pants, and bright shades. She uses pearls too, very very often, the kinds of which can be found at the Pearl Source. This gives the feeling of consistency and solidness, an understated elegance that says here’s a candidate who’s not too concerned about how they look, but about the work they do.

Source: medium
This thought can also be applied to Bernie Sanders. He uses blue effectively, but more to symbolize a connection with the masses. He dons the uniform of dark blue pants and light blue shirt, sleeves rolled up, ready to get going. Neither he or Joe Biden or Trump or Warren are young. They are in their seventies, senior citizens by all standards. And yet, there is a projection of youth. Whether it’s Biden’s unwrinkled visage, the hair color of Trump, and Warren – a message is being sent. We may be old, but boy can we work. In fact, Elizabeth Warren positively radiates energy! It’s only Bernie Sanders who sports a full head of white hair, and even then, his appearance is as if to say- trust me to see you to a better future.